Dr. Josep M. Coll is a professor of Strategy, Sustainability and Innovation at EADA Business School, visiting professor at Yonsei University in South Korea, ...
Josep M. Coll | UNSSC | United Nations System Staff College
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Josep M. Coll, PhD, is a professor of Strategy, Sustainability and Innovation at EADA Business School, visiting professor at Yonsei University in South ...
My call is to humanize the economy and unleash the power of entrepreneurs and organizations for building a more sustainable, regenerative and inclusive society: ...
Experiencia · Associate Professor · Director, EU-Asia Global Business Research Center · Creator & Founding Director, Masters in Sustainable Business & ...
He is the author of four books on sustainability and regeneration and he regularly speaks on systems thinking and leadership, conscious entrepreneurship, ...
I am a recent graduate from the University of Iowa and Assistant Professor of Political Science at Texas Tech University.