Joe Celko is an American relational database expert from Austin, Texas. He has participated on the ANSI X3H2 Database Standards Committee, and helped write ...
Volunteer math coach at failing middle school Austin. Partners in education. Languages: Esperanto.
Joe Celko
American author
Joe Celko is an American relational database expert from Austin, Texas. He has participated on the ANSI X3H2 Database Standards Committee, and helped write the SQL-89 and SQL-92 standards. He is the author of a Morgan-Kaufmann series of books on... Wikipedia
Born: 1947 (age 77 years)
Education: Georgia Institute of Technology and Georgia State University
Joe Celko was a member of the ANSI X3H2 Database Standards Committee from 1987 to 1997 and helped write the ANSI/ISO SQL-89 and SQL-92 standards.
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Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) by Joe Celko
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Looking for books by Joe Celko? See all books authored by Joe Celko, including Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming (The Morgan Kaufmann ...
Books by Joe Celko (Author of Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties) › author › list › 93...
Joe Celko has 28 books on Goodreads with 2111 ratings. Joe Celko's most popular book is Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming Third Edit...
A "Manual of Style" for the SQL programmer, this book is a collection of heuristics and rules, tips, and tricks that will help you improve SQL programming ...
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In the third edition, Joe features new examples and updates to SQL-99, expanded sections of Query techniques, and a new section on schema design, with the same ...