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I am a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. My research focuses on tax administration, anti-poverty policy, and behavioral economics.
Jacob Goldin from
Academic Faculty. Full Time Teaching Faculty. Jacob Goldin. Richard M. Lipton Professor of Tax Law. Biography. Jacob Goldin is the Richard M. Lipton ...

Jacob Goldin

Economist ·
Academic advisors: Henry Farber and David Lee
Education: Yale Law School
Affiliation: University of Chicago
Research interests: Federal Income Tax, Behavioral Economics, Law and Economics, and more
Jacob Goldin from
A community committed to expanding knowledge and advancing justice through sociolegal research. American Bar Foundation is hiring a Research Professor.
Jacob Goldin from
Jacob Goldin is a Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation and the Richard M. Lipton Professor of Tax Law at the University of Chicago Law School.
University of Chicago - ‪‪Cited by 2966‬‬ - ‪federal income tax‬ - ‪behavioral economics‬ - ‪law and economics‬ - ‪tax policy‬ - ‪EITC‬
Jacob Goldin from
Jacob Goldin is the Richard M. Lipton professor of tax law at the University of Chicago Law School and a research professor at the American Bar Foundation.
Jacob Goldin from
Jacob Goldin is the Richard M. Lipton Professor of Tax Law. Trained as a lawyer and economist, much of Professor Goldin's research focuses on US tax policy ...
Jacob Goldin from
Jul 11, 2024 · Goldin's pathbreaking research in law and economics focuses on the impact of U.S. tax policy on low-income households.
Jacob Goldin, Research, Working Papers, Work Requirements and Child Tax Benefits: Evidence from California (with Tatiana Homonoff, Neel Lal, Ithai Lurie, ...