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This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants. We call these methods hammers.
Jan 29, 2016 · This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants. We call these methods ...
This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants and calls them hammers, ...
This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants. We call these methods hammers.
Aug 30, 2015 · This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants.
This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants. We call these methods hammers.
This paper surveys the emerging methods to automate reasoning over large libraries developed with formal proof assistants. We call these methods hammers.
HammerswerenotnecessarilymotivatedbytheQEDmanifesto.Sofar,thehammeringhasb eendonetowardsqed(theend-of-pro ofmarkerinIsab elle),notQED.However,thereisaclear ...
Hammering towards QED. Thumbnail. Fulltext: 155745.pdf. Size: 521.3Kb. Format: PDF. Description: Publisher's version. Download. Publication year. 2016. Author(s).
BLANCHETTE, J., et al. Hammering towards QED. JOURNAL OF FORMALIZED REASONING. 2016, 9(1), 101-148. ISSN 1972-5787. DOI 10.6092/issn.