In a domino tree-decomposition, each vertex of the graph belongs to at most two nodes of the tree. We prove that for everyk, d, there exists a constantck, dsuch ...
The domino treewidth of a tree is at most its maximum degree. Keywords: treewidth, domino treewidth, graph algorithms, tree decompositions. 1 Introduction. In ...
The domino treewidth of a graph G is the minimum width over all domino tree-decompositions of G. Equivalently, the de nition of a domino tree-decomposition is ...
It is also shown that a lower bound of Ω (kd) holds: there are graphs with domino treewidth at least 1/12 × kd-1, treewidth at most k, and maximum degree at ...
We prove that for every k, d, there exists a constant C k,d such that a graph with treewidth at most k and maximum degree at most d has domino treewidth at most ...
We consider a special variant of tree-decompositions, called domino tree-decom- positions, and the related notion of domino treewidth.
The domino treewidth of a graph G = (V; E) is the minimum width over all domino tree decompositions of G. The open neighbourhood of a set of vertices W V in a ...
The domino treewidth of a graph &o 'f ( )Y*< ,Z. is the minimum width over all domino tree decompositions of & . The open neighbourhood of a set of vertices ИЙ╒) ...
The domino treewidth of a graph G is the minimum width over all domino tree-decompositions of G. Equivalently, the de nition of a domino tree-decomposition is ...
special variant of treewidth: domino treewidth. This notion is derived from the usual notion of treewidth, by additionally requiring that every vertex v E V.