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We show that current technologies are unable to pass the proposed exams. We identify the most difficult questions and offer future directions.
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This is why we work with the hypothesis that it is reasonable to use these tests to assess the degree to which a machine “comprehends” what it is reading. In ...
We also show how current technologies are unable to pass university-entrance exams. This is because these tests require a deep understanding of texts, as well ...
We also show how current technologies are unable to pass university-entrance exams. This is because these tests require a deep understanding of texts, as well ...
Jun 23, 2022 · Bibliographic details on Do systems pass university entrance exams?
You have to get at least 100 credits to pass the exam. And while taking the exam, you must abide by the system's rules. Rule violations have punishments issued ...
Nov 22, 2022 · While American college entrance exams have become less significant, the performance in the Gaokao completely decides students' futures. And that ...
Dec 27, 2019 · Yes, here are a few tips: create a study schedule and stick to it, focus on understanding the concepts rather than just memorizing, take regular ...