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We use this CLT as the basis of a new decomposition technique for k-tuples of degree-2 Gaussian polynomials and thus obtain an efficient deterministic ...
A major research goal in this area is to obtain efficient deterministic approximate counting algorithms for “low-level” complexity classes such as constant.
Deterministic Approximate Counting for. Juntas of Degree-2 Polynomial Threshold Functions. Anindya De. School of Mathematics. IAS. Princeton, NJ U.S.A. Email ...
In the special case where d = 1, degree-d PTFs are often referred to as linear threshold functions (LTFs) or halfspaces. While LTFs and low- degree PTFs have ...
Nov 27, 2013 · We give a {\em deterministic} algorithm for approximately computing the fraction of Boolean assignments that satisfy a degree-2 polynomial threshold function.
Missing: Juntas | Show results with:Juntas
Given an n-by-n bipartite graph G, how many perfect matchings? • Given an n-node bounded-degree graph G, how many k-colorings?
Deterministic approximate counting for juntas of degree-2 polynomial threshold functions. manuscript, 2013. [DGJ+09] I. Diakoniokolas, P. Gopalan, R ...
We use this CLT as the basis of a new decomposition technique for $k$-tuples of degree-2 Gaussian polynomials and thus obtain an efficient deterministic ...
Our algorithm extends a recent result \cite{DDS13:deg2count} which gave a deterministic approximate counting algorithm for a single degree-2 polynomial ...
We next prove a new regularity lemma: Given k degree-‐2 PTFs, we show that we can construct a decision tree of depth such that w.h.p. over the leaves of the ...