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SMIEEE, University of Essex, - ‪‪Cited by 1534‬‬ - ‪biomedical signal processing‬ - ‪machine learning and wearable sensing‬
Delaram Jarchi from
Biography. Dr Delaram Jarchi is a Lecturer in AI and machine learning at CSEE. She received her PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering from University of ...
Delaram Jarchi

Delaram Jarchi

Affiliation: University of Essex
Research interests: Biomedical Signal Processing and Machine Learning and Wearable Sensing
Lecturer at University of Essex · Experience: University of Essex · Education: University of Surrey · Location: Greater Colchester Area · 500+ connections ...
Delaram Jarchi from
Delaram JARCHI, Lecturer | Cited by 1294 | of University of Essex, Colchester | Read 76 publications | Contact Delaram JARCHI.
Delaram Jarchi (Senior Member, IEEE) received the PhD degree at University of Cardiff U.K. She is currently an assistant professor of advanced signal processing ...
List of computer science publications by Delaram Jarchi.
Delaram Jarchi. SMIEEE, University of Essex,. 在 的电子邮件经过验证. biomedical signal processingmachine learning and wearable ...
Employment (6) ; University of Essex: Colchester, GB. 2019-05-01 to present | Lecturer (Computer Science and Electronics) ; University of Kent: Chatham, GB. 2018- ...