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To get a cost analysis for our three VBR data placement strategies, we used the prices from. Table 2 to compute the disk and buffer costs, and compared them ...
Cost analyses for VBR video servers ... Abstract: Comparing techniques for storage and real time retrieval of variable bit rate video data for multiple ...
This article compares techniques for storage and real-time retrieval of variable bit rate (VBR) video data for multiple simultaneous users.
In this paper we compare techniques for storage and real-time retrieval of Variable Bit Rate (VBR) video data for multiple simultaneous users.
Cost analyses for VBR video servers ... Abstract: Comparing techniques for storage and real time retrieval of variable bit rate video data for multiple ...
Abstract. In this paper we compare techniques for storage and real-time retrieval of Variable Bit Rate (VBR) video data for multiple simultaneous users.
We propose a new algo- rithm that allows us to determine the cost-optimal trade-off between these two server resources as well as bounds and statistics of the ...
Bibliographic details on Cost Analyses for VBR Video Servers.
In this article we present, analyse and evaluate a new memory management technique for video-on-demand servers. Our proposal, Memory Reservation Per Storage ...
In this paper, we address the problem of choosing a disk ad- mission algorithm for continuous media streams where each stream may have a di erent bit rate, ...