We present a deep convolutional architecture with layers specially designed to address the problem of re-identification. Given a pair of images as input, our ...
Abstract: In this work, we propose a method for simultaneously learning features and a corresponding similarity metric for person re-identification.
Abstract. In this work, we propose a method for simultaneously learning features and a corresponding similarity metric for person re-identification.
This architechture is implemented based on Keras with Tensorflow backen using Python Programming Language. Train the model on which dataset?
A typical re-identification system takes as input two images, each of which usually contains a person's full body, and outputs either a similarity score between ...
In this work, we propose a method for simultaneously learning features and a corresponding similarity metric for person re-identification. We present a deep ...
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This work presents a deep convolutional architecture with layers specially designed to address the problem of re-identification, and significantly ...
In this work we propose a method for simultaneously learning features and a corresponding similarity metric for person re-identification. We present a deep ...
We present a deep convolutional architecture with layers specially designed to address the problem of re-identification.
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Jul 2, 2012 · Tensorflow implementation of "An Improved Deep Learning Architecture for Person Re-Identification". 118 stars 61 forks