We demonstrate that an SHRG-based parser can produce semantic graphs much more accurately than previously shown, by relating synchronous production rules to the ...
... In the first type of approach, a semantic graph is derived according to a set of lexical and syntactico-semantic rules, which extensively encode explicit ...
Abstract · 1 Introduction · 2 Hyperedge Replacement Grammar · 3 Grammar Extraction. 3.1 Graph Representations for ERS; 3.2 The Algorithm · 4 A Neural SHRG Parser.
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Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing. Yufei Chen | Weiwei Sun | Xiaojun Wan |. Paper Details: Month: July Year: 2018. Location: Melbourne, Australia
[semantic annotation] An annotation is metadata (e.g. a comment, explanation, presentational markup) attached to text, image, or other data. Often annotations ...
Bibliographic details on Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing.
We present experiments for cross-domain semantic dependency analysis with a neural Maximum Subgraph parser. Dependency Parsing · Semantic Parsing.
Parsing into Variable-in-situ Logico-Semantic Graphs, with Yufei Chen. Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing, with Yufei Chen. Page generated 2022-09-28 14:48 ...
The boy wants to believe the girl. Parsing natural language sentences into a formal representation that encodes the meaning of a sentence (usually a graph).
We demonstrate that an SHRG-based parser can produce semantic graphs much more accurately than previously shown, by relating synchronous production rules to the ...