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An additional problem with manual clas- sification is that different people classify genres differ- ently, leading to many inconsistencies. Research into ...
Our work demonstrates that a single feature and a simple machine learning approach achieve results that are almost as consistent as humans for the same task.
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Attempts to categorise music by extracting audio features from a sample have had mixed results. Some categories such as classical are easy to identify but ...
Abstract. Attempts to categorise music by extracting audio fea- tures from a sample have had mixed results. Some categories such as classical are easy to ...
This dissertation focuses on the development of jMIR, a suite of powerful, flexible, accessible and original software tools that can be used to design, share ...
Sep 21, 2022 · Automatic music classification has significant research implications because it is the foundation for quick and efficient music resource ...
In this paper, we present an approach to improve the effectiveness of automatic classification of music genres by integrating emotion and intelligent ...
This paper presents a non-conventional approach for the automatic music genre classification problem. The proposed approach uses multiple feature vectors ...
In this paper, we deal with the problem of automatic classification of musical instrument on the basis of its sound. Although there are algorithms for basic ...
A novel software system that automatically classifies musical recordings based on genre is presented and discussed and the highlights of the catalogue of ...
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