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Athanasios Kakarountas from
Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas (S'98-M'04-SM'12) was born in Lamia city, Greece, He holds a Diploma (1998) and a PhD (2004) in Electrical & Computer Engineering ...
University of Thessaly - ‪‪Cited by 1533‬‬ - ‪Embedded Computing Systems‬ - ‪Safety-critical systems‬ - ‪Hardware Design‬ - ‪Smart systems‬ - ‪Hardware‬ ...
Athanasios P. Kakarountas is with the electrical and computer engineering department, University of Patras, Greece. He is a Member of the IEEE.
Athanasios Kakarountas

Athanasios Kakarountas

Affiliation: University of Thessaly
Research interests: Embedded Computing Systems, Safety-critical systems, Hardware Design, and more
Head of Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics · Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas (S'98-M'04-SM'12) was born in Lamia city, Greece.
Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas (S'98-M'04-SM'12) was born in Lamia city, Greece. He holds a Diploma (1998) and a Ph.D. (2004) in Electrical & Computer ...
Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas (S'98-M'04-SM'12) was born in Lamia city, Greece. He holds a Diploma (1998) and a Ph.D. (2004) in Electrical & Computer Engineering ...
University of Thessaly - ‪‪Παρατίθεται από 1.518‬‬ - ‪Embedded Computing Systems‬ - ‪Safety-critical systems‬ - ‪Hardware Design‬ - ‪Smart systems‬ ...
Oct 7, 2024 · List of computer science publications by Athanasios Kakarountas.
Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas (S'98-M'04-SM'12) was born in Lamia city, Greece, He holds a Diploma (1998) and a PhD (2004) in Electrical.
Dr. Athanasios Kakarountas holds a Diploma (1998) and a Ph.D. (2004) in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, ...