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This process has been called Fleming–Viot process. It models the evolution of the distribution of genetic types (alleles) in a population regarding the ...
This process was called the Fleming-Viot process. It models the evolution of the distribution of genetic types (alleles) in a population regarding the ...
In the theory of measure-valued Markov processes there are two basic classes; measure- valued branching processes and Fleming-Viot processes. The measure-valued ...
This process has been called. Fleming-Viot process. It models the evolution of the distribution of genetic types (alleles) in a population re- garding the ...
Our aim in this paper is to obtain a jump-type Fleming-Viot process which includes also selection. This extension will follow by the use of a Girsanov ...
By Telles T. da Silva and Marcelo D. Fragoso; Abstract: Our aim in this paper is to obtain a jump-type Fleming-Viot process which includes also selection.
In the present paper we extend this result to jump-type branching processes and we show that the normalized jump-type branching processes are in a new class of ...
In 1991 Perkins [7] showed that the normalized critical binary branching process is a time inhomogeneous Fleming-Viot process.
Our aim in this paper is to obtain a jump-type Fleming–Viot process which includes also selection. This extension will follow by the use of a Girsanov ...
In the present paper we extend this result to jump-type branching processes and we show that the normalized jump-type branching processes are in a new class of ...