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The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the bicubic patch to a specified level of accuracy, returning the location of the ...
Aug 1, 1986 · A VLSI chip for ray tracing bicubic patches in Bezier form is explored. The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ...
The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the bicubic patch to a specified level of accuracy, returning the location of the ...
The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the bicubic patch to a specified level of accuracy, returning parameter values (u,v) ...
A VLSI chip for ray tracing bicubic patches in Bezier form is explored. The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the bicubic ...
The ray direction vector is normalized to one. The Bezier form of the bicubic patch was chosen because these control points form a tighter bounding vol-.
Missing: Bicubic | Show results with:Bicubic
A VLSI architecture is presented for generating ray-tracing images of bicubic surface in Bezier form by using the subdivision algorithm that retains the ...
The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the bicubic patch to a specified level of accuracy, returning parameter values (u,v) ...
A VLSI chip for ray tracing bicubic patches in Bezier form is explored. The purpose of the chip is to calculate the intersection point of a ray with the ...
Introducing the world's first PostScript ray tracer. Just start it up, wait a (long) while, and out comes an image that any true graphics type would die.