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In this paper, we present an approach in which overlay networks provide functional behaviour only, and rely for their self-repair on a generic self-repair ...
In this paper, we present an approach in which overlay networks provide functional behaviour only, and rely for their self-repair on a generic self-repair ser-.
Oct 29, 2006 · Self-repair is a key area of functionality in overlay networks, especially as overlays become increasingly widely deployed and relied upon ...
In this paper, we present an approach in which overlay networks provide functional behaviour only, and rely for their self-repair on a generic self-repair ...
In this paper, we present an approach in which overlay networks provide functional behaviour only, and rely for their self-repair on a generic self-repair ser- ...
overlays offer proprietary “self-repair” functionality to recover from situations in which their nodes crash or are unexpectedly deleted. This functionality ...
In terms of dependability, most overlays offer proprietary “self-repair” functionality to recover from situations in which their nodes crash or are unexpectedly ...
We present and evaluate a generic approach to the repair of overlay networks which identifies general principles of overlay repair and embodies these as a ...
Overlay maintenance refers to the process of forming and managing a structured overlay network, which involves maintaining its geometric and routing ...
It presents tools and methods for implementing architecture-based self-healing systems. This approach focuses on describing and executing architectural changes ...