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This paper presents a new paradigm in robotics based on binary actuation, and develops algorithms for the optimal design of binary manipulators for pick-and- ...
A Binary Paradigm for Robotic Manipulators. Gregory S. Chirikjian. Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD 21218.
The literature includes studies of open-loop controllable manipulators, such as the VGT manipulator [8] , which provides performance in hyper redundant 2-D ...
A Binary Paradigm for Robotic Manipulators. Gregory S. Chirikjian. Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore, MD 21218.
A binary paradigm for robotic manipulators. Author : Chirikjian, Gregory S. Author_Institution : Dept. of Mech. Eng., Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, USA.
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This paper addresses a paradigm based on binary (two-state) actuation which may lead to lower cost and higher reliability for robotic manipulators.
[PDF] Inverse Kinematics of Binary Manipulators Using a Continuum ... › Chirikjian97
Other potential applications of binary manipulators include remote manipulation: (1) in outer space where bandwidth of communication is very low and time delays ...
May 26, 2006 · In this report we'll discuss binary paradigm for robotic manipulators and recent results in binary manipulator motion planning. The ...
Chirikjian G.S.. A binary paradigm for robotic manipulators. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pages 3063–3070, San Diego, 8- ...
We illustrate the technique with both planar revolute and variable-geometry-trussmanipulators, and brie y describe a new manipulator design for which this ...