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The languages C++, Smalltalk and Java have become the languages of choice. The paper discusses alternative strategies for introducing object technology into an ...
Object-oriented technology has become the predominant software development paradigm of the 1990's. More and more data processing user departments have ...
A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
A case study of software quality and reuse. ACMSE '12: Proceedings of the 50th annual ACM Southeast Conference.
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A case study in software wrapping ; Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Critical issues in abandoned information systems development projects. Ewusi- ...
Packaging machinery manufacturer Campbell Corporation explains how ERP provides a solid foundation for optimized productivity and efficiency.
In this paper, the support for legacy application, which is one of the important advantages of Grid computing, is presented. The ability to reuse existing ...
To “Study. problem” means to use an SM and the Wrappings to study. the given problem in the given context, and to “Present re-. sults” means to tell the poser ...
CASE STUDY I SOFTWARE PACKAGING SOLUTIONS. The Challenge. A billion-dollar software provider with many solutions needed to reduce and reorganize how they ...
Jul 8, 2008 · Section 3 gives a case study on the application of GSLab to automatically wrap a computer animation rendering application into a grid service ...