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It is shown that some opens cannot be detected by stuck-fault or other functional tests, since some transistors in BiCMOS gates do not affect the logical ...
Abstract: Opens in different BiCMOS structures are analyzed here. It is shown that some opens cannot be detected by stuck-fault tests, ...
Opens in different BiCMOS structures are analyzed here. It is shown that some opens cannot be detected by stuck-fault tests, since some transistors in ...
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Bibliographic details on Open faults in BiCMOS gates.
The output of the BiCMOS gate is obtained by simulating one failure at a time for all possible s-OPEN failures of all transistors. The s-OPEN failures in PMOS ...
In addition to sequential behaviour, some stuck open faults exhibit increased delay. While most stuck on faults can be detected by logic level testing, some of ...
The output of the BiCMOS gate is obtained by simulating one failure at a time for all possible stuck-ON and stuck-OPEN failures for all transistors. Stuck-ON ...
The logic behavior of single BJT BiCMOS devices under transistor level shorts and opens is examined. In addition to delay faults, faults that cause the gate ...
It is shown that some opens cannot be detected by stuck-fault tests, since some transistors in BiCMOS gates do not affect the logical function of the gate, ...
Open faults in BiCMOS gates. from
It is shown that some opens cannot be detected by stuck-fault tests, since some transistors in BiCMOS gates do not affect the logical function of the gate, ...