We present a generic scheme for the abstract debugging of functional logic programs. We associate to programs a semantics based on a (continuous) immediate ...
Proving properties of logic programs by abstract diagnosis - SpringerLink
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Abstract. We show how declarative diagnosis techniques can be extended to cope with verification of operational properties, such as computed answers, and of ...
It is based on the use of an immediate consequence operator TP to identify bugs in logic programs. The framework is goal independent and does not require the ...
Abstract. Abstract interpretation is a theory of semantics approximation which is used for the con struction of semantics-based program analysis algorithms ...
Bacci GComini M(2010)Abstract diagnosis of first order functional logic programsProceedings of the 20th international conference on Logic-based program ...
This paper is an overview of our results on the application of abstract interpretation concepts to various problems related to the verification of logic ...
Abstract interpretation is a theory of semantics approximation that is used for the construction of semantic-based program analysis algorithms.
Missing: Diagnosis | Show results with:Diagnosis
In this work, we provide an alternative automatic decision method to check whether a given property, specified in a linear temporal logic, is valid w.r.t. a ...
May 14, 2014 · In this work, we provide an alternative automatic decision method to check whether a given property, specified in a linear temporal logic, is ...
In this paper, we provide a general framework for the debugging of tccp programs. To this end, we first present a new compact, bottom-up semantics for the ...