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The Perlin noise function is used to produce random surfaces of specific roughness. Coupling of the ray tracing method with Fresnel equations is employed. Calculating the absorption coefficient for different roughness and incident angles. A correlation between roughness, incident angle and absorption is provided.
Initially developed for computer graphics, Perlin noise has also proven to be helpful in modeling surface imperfections for laser scattering [58] . In the ...
On the use of the Perlin noise function to calculate the laser absorption coefficient by rough surfaces. ·.
Jan 1, 2023 · Surface roughness influences absorption of a laser beam from a metallic surface. Generation of surfaces with realistic surface roughness ...
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On the use of the Perlin noise function to calculate the laser absorption coefficient by rough surfaces. Simul. Model. Pract. Theory 124: 102722 (2023). [+][–] ...
On the use of the Perlin noise function to calculate the laser absorption coefficient by rough surfaces ... calculate the laser absorption rate of actual surface ...
Aug 15, 2018 · I'm trying to build a top down city using perlin noise to generate a population density, and a water level. I use the population density to generate a Voronoi ...
Missing: laser absorption coefficient rough surfaces.
On the use of the Perlin noise function to calculate the laser absorption coefficient by rough surfaces. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 102722 ...
On the study of the laser absorption coefficient by rough surfaces using Perlin noise · Files in this item · This item appears in the following Collection(s).
Missing: function calculate
The roughness of a material's surface is a significant factor affecting the absorption of energy when scanned with laser beam radiation.