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We present the NePTune approach and supporting system architecture for sensor network optimization. NePTune relies on a control loop strategy with ...
We present the NePTune approach and supporting system architecture for sensor network optimization. NePTune relies on a control loop strategy with ...
Abstract—We present the NePTune approach and supporting system architecture for sensor network optimization. NePTune relies on a control loop strategy with ...
We present the NePTune approach and supporting system architecture for sensor network optimization. NePTune ... NePTune: Optimizing Sensor Networks. @article{ ...
Aug 5, 2008 · What are wireless sensor networks? Collections of devices that monitor their environments and communicate to cooperatively solve problems. What ...
NePTune: Optimizing Sensor Networks. Wahba S.K., Dandamudi S., Dalton A.R., Hallstrom J.O.. Expand. Publication type: Proceedings Article. Publication date ...
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The experimental results show that our prototype system improves the performance of Avrora by 2 to 10 times for typical network-centric sensor network ...
Oct 31, 2023 · In this post, we discuss how using Amazon Neptune, a graph database, can improve the state-of-the-art in Cloud FinOps through enhancing four major areas.
M. Marta, M. Cardei. Using sink mobility to increase wireless sensor network lifetime. In Proceedings of International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile ...