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Miroslav Siebert's 6 research works with 15 citations, including: A new method for path criticality calculation.
Kdyby chtěl někdo strávit romantickou noc v srdci Prahy , Na Kampě, nabízíme krásné studio. Urcitě mě kontaktujte: mob.725 827 016.Děkuji za sdílení.
Miroslav Seibert. Caravanista od roku 1979. Posts.
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A new general technique for path criticality calculation based on influence of multiple parameters, STA and new defined formula for path criticality calculation ...
Parameterized critical path selection for delay fault testing Miroslav Siebert, Elena Gramatova Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies Slovak ...
[12] Siebert M., Gramatova E.: Parameterized critical path selection method for delay fault testing. In: IEEE International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics ...
Miroslav Siebert is with the Faculty of Informatics and Information. Technologies, Slovak University of Technology, 84216 Bratislava,. Slovakia (e-mail ...
Abstract: Delay faults testing is more and more critical due to huge number of gates and signal lines integrated on a chip. Path delay faults are tested via ...
The present study introduces a method to improve the students‟ results by the means of a multi-purpose virtual verification panel called FitBoard. The above ...