# virtsock maintainers file # # It is structured to be consumable by both humans and programs. # To extract its contents programmatically, use any TOML-compliant # parser. # [Org] [Org."Core maintainers"] people = [ "djs55", "ijc", "rn", ] [people] # A reference list of all people associated with the project. # All other sections should refer to people by their canonical key # in the people section. # ADD YOURSELF HERE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER [people.djs55] Name = "David Scott" Email = "dave.scott@docker.com" GitHub = "djs55" [people.ijc] Name = "Ian Campbell" Email = "ian.campbell@docker.com" GitHub = "ijc" [people.rn] Name = "Rolf Neugebauer" Email = "rolf.neugebauer@docker.com" GitHub = "rn"