Yup... it's a vim configuration.
2012-09-10 also if you has error again , you have to reinstall vim (vim-gnome or other )
if you meets the error such as :
Kupal March 24th, 2012 at 6:03 PM Hi. Could you help me with the following errors?
Error detected while processing /home/kupal/.vim/after/plugin/fuzzyfinder.vim: line 4: E121: Undefined variable: g:fuf_file_exclude Error detected while processing /home/kupal/.vim/after/plugin/solarized.vim: line 1: E117: Unknown function: togglebg#map
Thanks in advance
Derek Wyatt March 25th, 2012 at 7:12 AM You have to pull in the bundles that are specified in my config. Easily done… ‘cd ~/.vim/bundle; ./get’
After you’ve done that, start up Vim and you should be good to go.