- Pytorch: Docker4pt
- Tensorflow: Docker4tensorflow_gpu
For each environment cd to the directory, then do the build and run. For example, for the Pytorch environment:
cd Docker4pt
bash build.sh
# Run a container for the 1st time
bash docker_run.sh run
# Get into a built container
bash docker_run.sh bash
# OR
docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME bash
# To remove a container
bash docker_run.sh rm
To run jupyter notebook and tensorboard: Ports 8888 and 6006 are default ports for running Jupyter notebook and tensorboard.
- Jupyter-notebook:
jupyter-notebook --allow-root --port 8888 --ip= --no-browser
- Jupyter-lab (Recommended):
jupyter-lab --allow-root --port 8888 --ip= --no-browser
For Jupyter-notebook and Jupyter-lab, multiple people could use the same session, simply run the following to get the token for the token.
jupyter server list
- Tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir <dir to keep the logs> --host --port 6006
- You may add additional packages to the DockerFile
- For permission purposes, you need to add your uid to the Dockerfile as follows (note to use your own netid and uid):
RUN echo "zyang37:x:3944:" >> /etc/group
RUN echo "zyang37:x:26388:3944:Zhenning Yang,620,,:/home/zyang37:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd