A Flutter application that helps users track statistics and data for English Premier League's teams, players, squad information, etc.
Stats Zone is a mobile application utilises data from the RapidAPI Football. The power of Dart & Flutter along with vital packages indicated below, has been harnessed to bring this product to life. Inspiration for the design is in most part from the official Premier League app.
- Flutter Riverpod (State Management)
- Go-Router (Routing)
- Google Fonts
- Dio (Networking)
- Cached Network Image (Image Caching)
- FL Chart (Customised Graphs)
- Flex Color Scheme
1. Clone the Repository: Open your terminal and clone the "Stats Zone" repository to your local machine:
$ git clone https://github.com/dubemezeagwu/stats_zone
2. Navigate to the Project Folder: Change your working directory to the project folder:
$ cd stats_zone
3. Install the Dependencies: Install the project's dependencies using pub (Dart Package Manager):
$ flutter pub get
To run and use the application, ensure you have either an emulator or a mobile device connected to your IDE. Here is a guide from the Android Developers' documentation to help you set up a device or an emulator.
1. Run the Application: To start the "Stats Zone" application, run the following command:
$ flutter run