# coolbpf coolbpf's target is to build a platform for libbpf compile collection, which is for creating efficient kernel tracing and manipulation programs, is to wrapper main functions of libbpf for user development. coolbpf's main function are: 1) Service for local compile, and some wraps for BPF function call. 2) Service for remote compile, it receives xx.bpf.c, and return bpf.so to your local APP to loading. The user can focus on their main functions and don't care compile environment. 3) High kernel version backport to low version with kernel module, such as 3.10 BPF support, and perf buffer replace with new feature of ring buffer. 4) BTF auto generate. 5)Variety kernel version testing for new BPF functions and tools. 6)Support for many languags, python/go/c/rust. ## Compiler Environment Compiling libcoolbpf requires installing the following dependent libraries/tools: * elfutils-devel * gcc Compiling the eBPF tool requires additional installation of the following dependent libraries/tools: * clang * llvm ## Install/uninstall libcoolbpf Installation: Run `./install.sh` in the coolbpf root directory. Uninstall: Run `./uninstall.sh` in the coolbpf root directory. ## Usage example In the tools/examples/syscall directory, we provide examples of using libcoolbpf to develop eBPF programs. The process of compiling the syscall eBPF tool is as follows: * Install libcoolbpf: Run `./install.sh` in the coolbpf root directory to install libcoolbpf * Compile syscall: run `mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLE=on .. && make` in the coolbpf root directory The location of the final generated syscall executable program is: `build/tools/examples/syscall/syscall`.