This is a demonstration of the skills of creating a web application using ASP.NET and React.
The application is for Parrot Wings (PW, "internal money") transfer between system users.
The application consists of two parts:
- The client site - react-application.
On the server side implemented user authentication mechanism, money transfers between users of the system and maintenance of payment history.
On the client side is implemented user interface for users registration and authentication, user profile page and the functionality to perform money transfer to system participants.
The project was created from scratch in about 24 hours.
Some of the solutions used are new to me.
- Visual Studion 2017
- Node.js v8.9.1
- ASP.NET (.NET Framework v4.6), C#
- EntityFramework 6
- AspNet Identity
- Owin
- Newtonsoft.Json
- AutoMapper
- SQL Server LocalDB
- TypeScript v2.7
- webpack v4.1
- react v16.2
- react-router v4.2
- material-ui v0.20
- and much more
Download or clone (git clone
) this repository to your computer.
Run the command line, go to the ParrotWings.Web project folder (cd path to the project folder
and run the following commands:
npm install
npm run start:dev
If all goes well, the site will automatically open in the browser.
Try installing (npm install
) with administrator rights.
TypeScript files were not compiled for some reason.
Make sure that you have the correct TypeScript installed (the project was created for TypeScript v2.7).
C:\ParrotWings\ParrotWings.Web>tsc --version
Version 2.7.2
If you get this error, then the server part probably will not work.
There are two ways to solve the problem:
Open and build the ParrotWings.Api in Visual Studio.
Fix the path to MSBuild in the
Open and build the ParrotWings.Api in Visual Studio.
Remove building code from webpack.config.js
execSync(`"${msbuildPath}" "${root('../ParrotWings.Api/ParrotWings.Api.csproj')}" /p:VisualStudioVersion=14.0`);
Or you can fix this code to suit your system.
ASP.NET requires IIS Express.
It is expected that Express is located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe
You can fix the path in the package.json
file, please see env.programFiles86
"scripts": {
"build:dev": "tsc && webpack --mode development --progress --env.programFiles86=\"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\" --env.system=\"%SYSTEMROOT%\"",
"build:prod": "tsc && webpack --mode production --progress --env.programFiles86=\"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\" --env.system=\"%SYSTEMROOT%\"",
"start:dev": "tsc && webpack-dev-server --env.programFiles86=\"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\" --env.system=\"%SYSTEMROOT%\""
Just open the project in Visual Studio and run (key F5) ParrotWings.Api.
sqllocaldb stop
sqllocaldb delete
Raptor's Wing - this is anagram of Parrot Wings.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Copyright © 2018, @meet-aleksey