Weather Telegram Bot is a Telegram bot written in Golang that provides weather information from the free OpenWeatherMap API. Users can input city names or send their locations to receive current weather details on demand. The bot now utilizes a PostgreSQL database for data storage.
- Screenshots
- Environment Variables
- Installation
- Run
- Database Migrations
- Bot Commands
- Bot Commands for Adding Schedules
- Pricing Information
- Note
Here are some screenshots of the bot in action:
The current weather search by the city name:
Today forecast search (before 12:00 am):
Weather retrieval based on location:
Before running the bot, make sure to set the following environment variables in the .env file:
BOT_DEBUG=(true or false): "Enable/disable debug mode of the Telegram Bot API."
LOG_LEVEL=(panic/fatal/error/warn/warning/info/debug/trace): "Sets the log level."
DB_HOST=db: "PostgreSQL database host."
DB_NAME=postgres: "PostgreSQL database name."
DB_PORT=5432: "PostgreSQL database port."
DB_SSLMODE=disable: "PostgreSQL database SSL mode."
DB_USERNAME=postgres: "PostgreSQL database username."
TYPE_OF_LOG=(JSONLOG or TEXTLOG): "Choose between JSON or text log format."
with your Telegram Bot Token, which you can obtain by creating a new bot on Telegram. Follow these steps:
- Open Telegram and search for the "BotFather" bot (@BotFather).
- Start a chat with BotFather and use the
command to create a new bot. - Follow the instructions from BotFather to choose a name and username for your bot.
- Once the bot is created, BotFather will provide you with a token.
Get your free OpenWeatherMap API Key here.
Set the values of the LOG_LEVEL and TYPE_OF_LOG variables from the provided options.
In addition, according to the docker-compose.yml file in the secrets folder, the following files contain sensitive information:
- postgres-passwd.txt
- telegram-bot-token.txt
- weather-token.txt
These files are used to set the values of the following variables:
If these variables are not set or empty, the values will be read from the .env and docker-compose.yml (for the database) files without the _FILE suffix in the name.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd simple-weather-tg-bot
Build the Docker images:
make build
To run the Docker container, use the following command:
make run
Before running the application, ensure you have the migrate tool installed.
Follow the official instructions to install the migrate tool.
After installing the migrate tool, you can apply database migrations with:
make migrate
/start: sends a welcome message and instructions to the user.
/help: provides information on how to use the bot.
/metric: set metric units
/nonmetric: set non-metric units
The command /add_18:00_2_cityname_weathertype_metricunits adds a schedule that will be executed at 18:00.
2 the user's timezone
weathertype — the forecast type ("current", "5-days forecast", "today forecast")
metricunits — true/false
The command /deleteschedules deletes all user schedules. The command /viewschedules fetches all user schedules.
Information about pricing, available plans, and limitations of the free API package can be found here.
Some cities may return weather information correctly using the city name, while others may require the user's location. Use the preferred option for accurate results.
Feel free to contribute and enhance the functionality of this bot!