- Data Science Stack: Classical Machine Learning, Monte Carlo Simulation, Statistical Analysis of Small Sample Size, Python 3 (matplotlib, numpy, pandas, re, sklearn, statsmodels, xgboost, ipywidgets; PEP 8), MVP Development.
- Mathematical Modeling Stack: Numerical Methods, Underground Fluid Flow Modeling (CFD), Nonlinear PDEs (Partial Differential Equations), Matlab, Maple, Fractals and Heavy-Tail Distribution (Fractional Derivatives) in Physics Modeling, LaTeX, FEA (Finite Element Analysis).
Languages: Russian - Native, English - Upper-Intermediate.
💼 (2023) Parsing and EDA of Commercial Real Estate Special Segment in Moscow
Freelance Project. Programming Language: Python 3 (xgboost, difflib, sklearn, BeautifulSoup, cloudscraper, re)
⭐💼 (2023) Forecast of Oil Production of Special Group of Wells. Hydrodynamic Simulator Development, Finite Element Method
Company: Gazpromneft Technology Partnerships LLC (RUS). Programming Language: Python 3 (fipy, matplotlib, numpy)
💼 (2022) Oil Production Predictive Model Transfer. VBA Parser from Excel Spreadsheet to VBA Code
Company: Gazpromneft Technology Partnerships LLC. Programming Language: VBA
⭐💼 (2021) Recommendations of Improving Oil Production Process. Small Size Data Analysis
Company: Gazpromneft Technology Partnerships LLC. Programming Language: Python 3 (sklearn, ipywidgets, statsmodels, pandas, matplotlib)
🎓 💼 (2020) Derivation and Study of New Mathematical Model of Oil Movement. Examining Cases Where Simpler Model Can Be Used.
Company: math. model. lab. GAMMETT. Programming Language: Python 3 (numpy, scipy), Maple 18
💼 🎓 (2019) Accounting for Special Properties of Reservoir During Oil Production. Diffusion Model with Memory.
Company: math. model. lab. GAMMETT. Programming Language: Maple 18, Python 3
⭐💼 (2018) Identification of Fractal Properties of Oil Reservoir. Hyperparameters for Model Optimization of Diffusion Equation Problem. Dimension reduction (Grid Upscaling)
Company: math. model. lab. GAMMETT. Programming Language: Maple 18, Python 3
🎓 (2018) Undeground Flow in Fractal Porous Media. Mathematical Modeling
Master Degree Project. Company: USATU. Programming Language: Maple 18
🎓 (2016) Three-phase Undeground Flow Model in Porous Media. Solutions of System of Nonlinear Differential Equations
Bachelor Degree Project. Company: USATU. Programming Language: Maple 18
⭐ favorite 🎓 academic 💼 work
1. [Research Article, Scopus, 2021] Production forecast method based on statistical analysis of a small sample of production data for an unconventional formation
2. [Research Article, Scopus, 2020] Identification of fractal properties and parameters
upscaling of layered heterogeneous medium
3. [Research Article, 2019] Numerical investigation of radial steady-state fluid flow model with Riesz potential Greece, Rhodes
4. [Research Report, 2018] Buckley-Leverett flow on limited-scale fractal curves.
5. [Conference Report, 2019] The 12th All-Russian Congress on Fundamental Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Уфа
6. [Conference Report, 2017] International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences., Saint Peter., Polytech
7. [Conference Report, 2018] Конференция актуальные проблемы приклад. математ., Нальчик–Эльбрус
8. [Conference Report, 2018] Международная науч. конференция: «Нигматуллинские чтения», Казань
9. [Conference Report, 2017] Конференция многофазные системы: модели, эксперимент, приложения. Уфа