385 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., MIS, Purdue University, 1984
- M.S., Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1980
- B.S., Industrial Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 1978
Positions Held
- Professor, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), UIUC, 2009 to present
- Professor, Information Trust Institute, 2006 to present
- Leonard C. and Mary Lou Hoeft Endowed Chair in Information Systems, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000-2021
- Director, Center for Information Technology and e-Business Management, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997 to present
- Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1996-2021
- Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1989-1996
- Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1984-1989
Recent Publications
- Wei, C., Easley, R., & Shaw, M. Forthcoming. Web-Based Recommendation Systems for Personalization in Electronic Commerce. e-Service Management Luwer Publishers.
Other Publications
- Sun, R., Han, W., Chang, H., & Shaw, M. (2021). Motivating Adherence to Exercise Plans through a Personalized Mobile Health Application: An Enhanced Active Design Research Approach. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 9 (6).
- Tu, Y., Huang, Y., Strader, T., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2020). Candidate diversity and granularity in IT portfolio construction. Information Technology and Management, 21 (3), 157-168. link >
- Sun, R., Garimella, A., Han, W., Chang, H., & Shaw, M. (2020). Transformation of the Transaction Cost and the Agency Cost in an Organization and the Applicability of Blockchain—A Case Study of Peer-to-Peer Insurance. Frontiers in Blockchain. link >
- Huang, Y., Tu, Y., Strader, T., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2019). Selecting the most desirable IT portfolio under various risk tolerance levels. Information Resources Management Journal, 32 (4), 1-19. link >
- Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2015). Patterns in Information Systems Portfolio Prioritization: Evidence from Decision Tree Induction. MIS Quarterly, 39 (2), 413-433.
- Cho, W., & Shaw, M. (2013). Portfolio Selection Model for Enhancing Information Technology Synergy. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 60 (4).
- Cho, W., Shaw, M., & Kwon, H. (2013). The effect of synergy enhancement on information technology portfolio selection. Information Technology and Management, 14 (2), 125-142. link >
- Zhao, K., Xia, M., & Shaw, M. (2011). What Motivates Firms to Contribute to Consortium-Based E-Business Standardization? Journal of Management Information Systems, 28 (2).
- Tsai, W., & Shaw, M. (2011). An empirical investigation of the impacts of internal/external facilitators on the project success of ERP: A structural equation model. Decision Support Systems, 50 (2).
- Chang, H., Shaw, M., & Lai, F. (2010). U-Health: An Example of a High-Quality Individualized Health Service. Personalized Health, 7 (6), 677-688.
- Gebauer, J., Gribbins, M., & Shaw, M. (2010). Task-Technology Fit for Mobile Information Systems. Journal of Information Technology, 25 259-272.
- Tsai, W., & Shaw, M. (2010). A MCDM approach for sourcing strategy mix decisions in IT projects. Expert Systems with Applications, 37 3870- 3886.
- Zhao, K., Xia, M., Shaw, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2009). The Sustainability of B2B E-marketplaces: Ownership, Market Competition, and Prior Buyer-Seller Connections. Decision Support Systems, 47 (2), 105- 114.
- Chang, H., & Shaw, M. (2009). The Business Value of Process Sharing in Supply Chains: A Study of RosettaNet International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 14 (1), 115.
- Chang, H., Easley, R., & Shaw, M. (2009). Market-Model Based Channel Selection in B2B E-Commerce: Exploring a buyer's adoption decisions. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 19 237- 264.
- Piramuthu, S., & Shaw, M. (2009). Learning-Enhanced Adaptive DSS: A Design Science Perspective. Information Technology and Management, 10 41- 54.
- Li, J., & Shaw, M. (2008). Electronic Medical Records, HIPAA, and Patient Privacy. International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, 2 (3), 45- 54.
- Zhao, K., Xia, M., & Shaw, M. (2007). An Integrated Model of Consortia-Based E-business Standardization: Collaborative Development and Adoption with Network Externalities. Journal of Management Information Systems, 23 (4), 247-271.
- Kim, J., Lee, J., Shaw, M., Nelson, M., Chang, H., & Easley, R. (2006). A Preference Scoring Technique for Personalized Advertisements on Internet Storefront. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 44 (1-2), 3-15.
- Sen, R., King, R., & Shaw, M. (2006). Buyers' Choice of Online Search Strategy and Its Managerial Implications. Journal of Management Information Systems, 23 (1), 211-238.
- Nelson, M., Shaw, M., & Qualls, W. (2006). Interorganizational System Standards Development in Vertical Industries". EM-Electronic Markets.
- Nelson, M., Shaw, M., & Qualls, W. (2005). Interorganizational System Standards Development in Vertical Industries. EM-Electronic Markets, 15 (4), 378-389.
- Zhao, K., Xia, M., & Shaw, M. (2005). Vertical E-Business Standards and Standards Developing Organizations: a Conceptual Framework. EM-Electronic Markets, 15 (4), 289—300.
- Lin, F., Shaw, M., & Chuang, M. (2005). A unified framework for managing Web-based services, Information Systems and e-Business Management. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 3 (3).
- Gebauer, J., & Shaw, M. (2004). Introduction to B2B e-Commerce Research. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8 (3).
- Gebauer, J., & Shaw, M. (2004). Success Factors and Benefits of Mobile Business Applications: Results from a Mobile E-Procurement Study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 8 (3), 19-41.
- Shaw, M., & Li, J. (2004). Protection of Health Information in Data Mining. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 6 (2).
- Shaw, M., & Langdon, C. (2003). Patterns of Electronic Intermediation on the Web. Communications of the ACM.
- Shaw, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2003). The Effects of Process Characteristics on thee Value of B2B E-Procurement. Information Technology and Management.
- Shaw, M., & Langdon, C. (2002). Patterns of Electronic Intermediation on the Web. Communications of the ACM.
- Shaw, M., Kim, J., Lee, K., Chang, H., Nelson, M., & Easley, R. (2002). A Preference Scoring Technique for Personalized Advertisements on Internet Storefronts. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5 (3), 45-62.
- Gebauer, J., & Shaw, M. (2002). Introduction to Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6 (4), 7-17.
- Shaw, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2002). A Study on the Value and Impact of B2B E-Commerce: The Case of Web-based Procurement. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6 (4).
- Whitford, D., Gentry, J., Shaw, M., & Tessmer, A. (2002). Using Inductive Learning to Predict Bankruptcy. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 12 (1), 39-57.
- Shaw, M., Kim, J., Lee, B., Chang, H., & Nelson, M. (2001). Application of Decision Tree Induction Techniques to Personalized Advertisements on the Internet Storefronts. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5 (3), 45-62.
- Kim, J., Lee, B., Shaw, M., Chang, H., & Nelson, M. (2001). Application of Decision-Tree Induction Techniques to Personalized Advertisements on Internet Storefronts. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 5 (3), 45-62.
- Shaw, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2001). Knowledge Management and Data Mining for Marketing. Decision Support Systems, 31 127-137.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., & Piramuthu, S. (2001). Dynamic Rule Refinement in Knowledge Based Data Mining Systems. Decision Support Systems, 3 205-222.
- Shaw, M., T, G., & Fulkerson, W. (2000). Web-Based Supply-Chain Management. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Shaw, M., Baron, J., & Bailey, Jr., A. (2000). Web-Based Electronic Catalog Systems in the Business-to-Business Procurement Process. Communications of the ACM.
- Shaw, M. (2000). Information-Based Manufacturing with the Web. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12 (2).
- Shaw, M., Piramuthu, S., & Fulkerson, W. (2000). Information-based Dynamic Manufacturing System Scheduling. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 12 (2).
- Shaw, M., Gardner, D., & Subramaniam, C. (2000). Product Marketing and Channel Management in Electronic Commerce. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Shaw, M., Subramaniam, C., & Gardner, D. (2000). Product Marketing and Channel Management in Electronic Commerce. Information Systems Frontiers.
- Shaw, M. (2000). Building E-Business from Enterprise Systems. Information Systems Frontiers, 2 (1).
- Shaw, M., Strader, T., & Lin, F. (1999). Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce and Convergent Assembly Supply Chain Management. Journal of Information Technology, 14 (4).
- Shaw, M. (1999). Electronic Commerce: Review of Research Issues. Information Systems Frontiers, 1 (1).
- Shaw, M., & Strader, T. (1999). Consumer Cost Differences for Traditional and Internet Markets. Journal of Internet Research, 9 (2).
- Shaw, M., Lin, F., & Tan, G. (1999). Multi-agent Enterprise Modeling. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 9 (1), 7-32.
- Shaw, M., Strader, T., & Lin, F. (1999). The Impact of Information Sharing on Order Fulfillment in Divergent Differentiation Supply Chains. Journal of Global Information Management, 7 (1), 16-25.
- Shaw, M., & Sikora, R. (1998). A Multi-agent Framework for the Coordination and Integration of Information systems. Management Science.
- Shaw, M., Strader, T., & Lin, F. (1998). Information Infrastructure for Electronic Virtual Organization Management. Decision Support Systems, 23 (1), 75-94.
- Shaw, M., & Piramuthu, S. (1998). Feature Construction for Enhancing Neural-Net Learning. Management Science, 44 (2), 416-430.
- Shaw, M. (1998). Information Technology for Enterprise Integration. Group Decision and Negotiation, 7 (3).
- Shaw, M. (1998). Introduction on Information-Based Manufacturing. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 10 (3), 195-197.
- Shaw, M., & Lin, F. (1998). Reengineering the Order Fulfillment Process in Supply Chain Networks. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 10 (3), 197-230.
- Shaw, M., Piramuthu, S., & Raman, N. (1998). Decision Support System for Scheduling a Flexible Flow System: Incorporation of Feature Construction. Annals of Operations Research, 78 219-234.
- Shaw, M., Strader, T., & Lin, F. (1998). Simulation of Order Fulfillment in Divergent Assembly Supply Chains. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 1 (2).
- Shaw, M., & Blanning, R. (1997). Artificial Intelligence for Management Science. Annals of Operations Research, 75.
- Shaw, M., & Lin, F. (1997). Active Training of Backpropagation Neural Networks Using the Learning by Experimentation Methodology. Annals of Operations Research, 75 105-122.
- Shaw, M., & Schlueter, C. (1997). A Strategic Framework for Developing Electronic Commerce. IEEE Internet Computing, 20-29.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., & Raman, N. (1997). Adaptive Scheduling in Dynamic Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An Inductive Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automation & Robotics, 13 (4), 486-502.
- Shaw, M., Seidmann, A., & Whinston, A. (1997). Information Technology for Automated Manufacturing Enterprises. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 9 (2), 115-120.
- Shaw, M., Tan, G., & Hayes, C. (1997). Concurrent Product Design. IEEE Potentials.
- Shaw, M., Lee, I., & Sikora, R. (1997). A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Flexible Flow Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 27 (1), 36-54.
- Shaw, M., & Strader, T. (1997). Characteristics of Electronic Markets. Decision Support Systems, 21 185-198.
- Shaw, M., & Thomas, H. (1997). Electronic Commerce: Introduction to the Special Issue. Decision Support Systems, 21.
- Shaw, M., Gardner, D., & Thomas, H. (1997). Research Opportunities in Electronic Commerce. Decision Support Systems, 21 149-156.
- Shaw, M., Gardner, D., & Thomas, H. (1997). Research Opportunities in Electronic Commerce. Decision Support Systems, 21 149-156.
- Shaw, M., Lin, F., & Locascio, A. (1997). Scheduling Printed Circuit Board Production Systems Using the Two-Level Scheduling Approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 16 (2), 129-149.
- Shaw, M., Hayes, C., & Tan, W. (1996). An Intelligent-Agent Framework for Concurrent Product Design and Planning. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 43 (3).
- Shaw, M., & Sikora, R. (1996). A Computational Study of Distributed Rule Learning. Information Systems Research, 7 (2), 189-197.
- Shaw, M. (1996). Cooperative Problem Solving and Learning in Multi-Agent Information Systems. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Organizations, 1 (1), 21-34.
- Shaw, M., Sikora, R., & Chhajed, D. (1996). Integrating the Lot-Sizing and Sequencing Decisions for Lead-Time Reduction in a Printed Circuit Boards Manufacturing Environment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 30 (4), 659-671.
- Sikora, R., Chhajed, D., & Shaw, M. (1996). Integrating a Lot-Sizing and Sequencing Decision for Lead-Time Reduction in Printed Circuit Boards Manufacturing Environment. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 30 (4), 659-679.
- Shaw, M., & Yuan, Y. (1995). Induction of Fuzzy Decision Trees. International Journal for Fuzzy Sets & Systems, 69 (2), 125-139.
- Shaw, M., & Sikora, R. (1994). A Double-Layered Learning System for Financial Classification. Orsa Journal on Computing, 6 (2), 174-187.
- Shaw, M., & Piramuthu, S. (1994). A Classification Approach Using Multi-Layered Perceptions. Decision Support Systems, 11 (5), 509-526.
- Shaw, M., Piramuthu, S., & Raman, N. (1994). Learning-Based Scheduling in a Flexible Manufacturing Flow Line. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 41 (2), 172-182.
- Shaw, M., Park, P., Gervasio, G., & DeJong, D. (1993). Explanation-Based Learning for Process Planning. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 23 (4), 1597-1617.
- Shaw, M. (1993). Machine Learning Methods for Intelligent Decision Support Systems. Decision Support Systems, 10 (2), 79-83.
- Shaw, M., Piramuthu, S., & Kuan, C. (1993). Learning Algorithms for Neural-Net Decision Support. Orsa Journal on Computing, 5 (4), 361-373.
- Shaw, M., & Fox, M. (1993). Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Group Decision Support. Decision Support Systems, 9 (4), 349-367.
- Shaw, M., Piramuthu, S., Park, S., & Raman, N. (1993). Integration of Simulation Modeling and Inductive Learning in Adaptive Decision Support Systems. Decision Support Systems, 9 (1), 127-142.
- Shaw, M., Tessmer, A., & Gentry, J. (1993). Inductive Learning for International Financial Evaluation: A Layered Approach. Journal of Management Information Systems, 9 (4), 17-36.
- Shaw, M., Solberg, J., & Woo, A. (1992). System Integration: An Introduction. IIE Transactions on Systems Integration, 24 (3), 2-6.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., & Raman, N. (1992). Intelligent Scheduling with Machine Learning Capabilities. IIE Transactions, 156-168.
- Shaw, M., & Menon, U. (1990). Intelligent Fault Diagnosis in Manufacturing Systems: A Qualitative Reasoning Approach. Decision Support Systems, 6 (1), 59-81.
- Shaw, M., & Gentry, J. (1990). Integrating Problem Solving and Machine Learning Methods for Financial Analysis. IEEE Experts, 5 (1), 47-53.
- Shaw, M., Gentry, J., & Piramuthu, S. (1990). Inductive Learning Systems for Decision Support: A Comparative Study. Computer Science in Economics & Management, 3 147-165.
- Shaw, M., & Whinston, A. (1989). An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. IIE Transactions, 21 (2), 170-183.
- Shaw, M. (1989). A Pattern-Directed Inference Approach to FMS Scheduling. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 2 (2), 121-144.
- Shaw, M., Tu, P., & Prabuddha, D. (1988). Machine Learning Techniques for Model Management. Decision Support Systems, 4 (3), 285-305.
- Shaw, M., & Gentry, J. (1988). Using an Expert System with Inductive Learning for Evaluating Business Loans. Financial Management, 45-55.
- Shaw, M. (1988). A Knowledge-Based Scheduling System for Flexible Manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 26 (5), 821-844.
- Shaw, M. (1988). Applying Artificial Intelligence to the Scheduling of Flexible manufacturing Systems: A Pattern-Directed Approach. Annals of Operations Research, 15 353-376.
- Shaw, M. (1988). Dynamic Scheduling in Cellular Manufacturing Systems: A Framework for Networked Decision Making. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 7 (2), 83-94.
- Shaw, M. (1988). FMS Scheduling as Cooperative Problem Solving. Annals of Operations Research, 17 323-346.
- Shaw, M., & Whinston, A. (1988). A Distributed Knowledge-Based Approach to Flexible Automation: The Contract-Net Framework. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 1 (1), 85-104.
- Shaw, M., & Wiegand, G. (1988). Intelligent Information Processing for Integrated Manufacturing. FMS Magazine, 6 (3), 137-140.
- Shaw, M. (1987). Machine Learning Methods for Enhancing Knowledge-Based Expert Systems. Decision Support Systems, 3 (4), 319-332.
- Shaw, M. (1987). Distributed Planning in Cellular Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Task Negotiation Approach. Information Systems & Operations Research, 25 (5), 13-25.
- Shaw, M. (1987). Knowledge-Based Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An Integration of Pattern Directed Inference and Heuristic Search. Texas Instruments Technical Journal, 54-61.
Book Chapters
- Burke, J., Gebauer, J., & Shaw, M., G. Adomavicius and A. Gupta (Ed.) (2009). The Efficacy of Mobile Computing for Enterprise Applications. Business Computing ( pp. 347- 370). Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R., M. Nelson, M. Shaw, and T. Strader (Ed.) (2009). Evolution of Decision Rules Used for IT Portfolio Management: An Inductive Approach. Value Creation in e-Business Management, Vol 36., Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing ( pp. 307-320). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Piramuthu, S., & Shaw, M., Burstein, F. and Holsapple, C. (Ed.) (2008). A Learning-Enhanced Adaptive Decision Support System Framework. Handbook on Decision Support Systems ( pp. 711- 719). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Nelson, M., Shaw, M., Miller, T., & Shen, Y., Michael J. Shaw (Ed.) (2006). Measuring the Business Benefits of Web-based Interorganizational Systems: A Co-Adoption Model for Standards Development. e-Commerce and the Digital Economy, Advances in Management Information Systems (AMIS) ( pp. 3-17). Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
- Xia, M., Zhao, K., & Shaw, M., K. Tomak (Ed.) (2004). The Structure evolution of B2B enterprise networks. Advances in the Economics of Information Systems Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
- Gebauer, J., Haacker, D., & Shaw, M., M. J. Shaw (Ed.) (2003). Global Non-Production Procurement at Motorola: Managing the Evolving Enterprise Infrastructure. E-Business Management ( pp. 133-154). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Qualls, W., Nelson, M., Shaw, M., Shen, Y., & Wong, R., Michael Shaw (Ed.) (2003). Modularized Interoperability in Supply Schians: A Co-Adoption Study of RosettaNet's XML Based Inter-organizational Systems. E-Business Management: Integration of Web Technologies with Business Models Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Wei, C., Shaw, M., & Piramuthu, S., Clyde Holsapple (Ed.) (2003). Survey of Data Mining. Handbook on Knowledge Management ( pp. 157- 189). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Nelson, M., Shen, Y., & Shaw, M. (2002). e-Business Management Models: A Services Perspective from the Revere Group. e-Business Management: Integration of Web Technologies with Business Models ( pp. 77-108). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., & Sikora, R., C. Holsapple, et al. (Ed.) (2002). Multi-Agent Enterprise Modeling. Business Modeling Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Shaw, M., Chhajed, D., & Lee, I., J. Lavelle, H. Liggett, & H. Paresi (Ed.) (2002). A Strategic Evaluation Methodology for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: Integration of Product, Process, and Financial Evaluation. Economic Evaluation of Advanced Technologies: Techniques and Case Studies ( pp. 119-146). New York: Taylor and Francis.
- Shaw, M., Wei, C., & Easley, R., P. Kannan (Ed.) (2002). Web-Based Recommendation Systems for Personalization in Electronic Commerce. E-Service Management Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Shaw, M., Wei, C., & Piramuthu, S., C. Holsapple (Ed.) (2002). Survey of Data Mining. Handbook on Knowledge Management Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Ahuja, N., & Hutchinson, S. (2000). Coordination and Collaboration in Multi-Agent Robot Systems. Handbook on Industrial Robotics England: John Wiley & Sons.
- Shaw, M., Lin, F., & Strader, T., F. Luna (Ed.) (2000). Applying Multi-Agent Simulation to Evaluate Enterprise Supply Chains. Economic Simulations in Swarm. Agent Baded Modelling and Object Oriented Programming Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Shaw, M. (1999). Electronic Commerce: State of the Art. Handbook of Electronic Commerce Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Baron, J., & Bailey, A. (1999). Electronic Catalogs in Web-based Business-to-Business Procurement. Handbook of Electronic Commerce Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Schlueter, C., & Roghe, F. (1999). Consumer Mass Market Online Payment Systems. Handbook of Electronic Commerce Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Subramaniam, C., & Gardner, D. (1999). Product Marketing on the Internet. Handbook of Electronic Commerce Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Subramaniam, C., & Gardner, D. (1999). Product Marketing on the Internet. Handbook of Electronic Commerce Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Tan, G., & Fulkerson, W. (1999). Web-Based Supply-Chain Management. Handbook of Electronic Commerce Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., & Jhee, W. (1996). Time Series Prediction Using Minimally Structured Neural Networks: An Empirical Test. Neural Networks in Finance and Investing ( pp. 763-776). Irwin Publishing.
- Shaw, M., Harrow, B., & Herman, S., R. Blanning & D. Krug (Ed.) (1996). Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Problem Solving and Group Learning. Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Design, Modeling and Control ( pp. 121-141). IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., Piramuthu, S., & Raman, N., W. T. Scherer & D.E. Brown (Ed.) (1994). Intelligent Scheduling with Machine Learning. Intelligent Scheduling Systems ( pp. 193-214). Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Shaw, M., Fox, M., Gardner, E., & Safier, S., M. Green (Ed.) (1992). The Role of Architecture in Computer-Assisted Design Systems. Knowledge-Aided Design ( pp. 157-195). New York: Academic Press.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., Piramuthu, S., & Raman, N., G. Gottlob & W. Nejdl (Ed.) (1990). Integrating Inductive Learning and Simulation in Rule-based Scheduling. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence: Expert Systems in Engineering: Principles and Applications ( pp. 152-167). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M. (1989). Applying Distributed Artificial Intelligence to Flexible Manufacturing. Advanced Information Technologies for Industrial Material Flow Systems ( pp. 81-93). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., & Gentry, J. (1989). The Use of Inductive Learning for Financial Analysis. Expert Systems in Economics, Banking and Management ( pp. 43-53). North-Holland Publishers.
- Shaw, M., & Whinston, A., L. Gasser & M. Huns (Ed.) (1989). Learning and Adaptation in a Distributed Artifical Intelligence System. Distributed Artificial Intelligence ( pp. 413-429). Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Shaw, M., Menon, U., & Park, S., A. Kusiak (Ed.) (1988). Machine Learning Methods for Computer-aided Process Planning. Expert Systems and Manufacturing Designs ( pp. 111-147). MI: Society of Manufacuring Engineer Press.
- Shaw, M., Wang, S., & Whinston, A., S. Wang & Whinston (Ed.) (1987). Knowledge Representation for Decision Support in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. Artificial Intelligence: Its Impact on Computer Integrated Manufacturing ( pp. 329-337). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., & Whinston, A., A. Kusiak (Ed.) (1986). Applications of Artifical Intelligence Techniques to the Planning and Scheduling of FMS. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Methods and Studies ( pp. 223-242). North-Holland Publishers.
Books and Monographs
- Cho, W., Fan, M., Shaw, M., Yoo, B., & Zhang, H., Cho, Wooje; Fan, Ming; Shaw, Michael J.; Yoo, Byungjoon; Zhang, Han (Ed.) (2018). Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities. ( vol. 328, pp. 1-131). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Fan, M., Golden, W., Heikkilä, J., Li, H., Shaw, M., & Zhang, H., Fan M., Golden W., Heikkilä J., Li H., Shaw M.J., Zhang H. (Ed.) (2017). E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. ( vol. 296, pp. 1-237). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Sugumaran, V., Yoon, V., & Shaw, M., Sugumaran V., Yoon V., Shaw M.J. (Ed.) (2016). Internetworked World. ( vol. 258, pp. 1-240). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Sugumaran, V., Yoon, V., & Shaw, M., Sugumaran, V., Yoon, V.,Shaw, M. (Ed.) (2016). E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M., Zhang, D., & Yue, W. (2012). E-Life: Web-Enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Nelson, M., & Shaw, M. (2010). Sustainable e-Business Management. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Nelson, M., Shaw, M., & Strader, T. (2009). Value Creation in e-Business Management, Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing, Vol. 36. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M. (2006). E-Commerce and the Digital Economy. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
- Shaw, M. (2003). E-Business Management. Kluwer Academic Press.
- Shaw, M. (2000). Information-Based Manufacturing: Technology and Management. Kluwer Academic Press.
- Shaw, M., Blanning, R., Strader, T., & Whinston, A. (2000). Handbook on Electronic COmmerce. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Pirkul, H., & Shaw, M. (1996). Proceedings of the First INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
Conference Proceedings
- Burke, J., & Shaw, M. Forthcoming. Modeling Dependence in IT Portfolio Management Using Copulas. Workshop on e-Business.
- Huang, Y., & Shaw, M. Forthcoming. Determining Key Attributes for Profiling the Information Technology (IT) Portfolios. Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
- Yang, Y., Han, W., & Shaw, M. Forthcoming. A Framework for Disruptive Innovation Diffusion Research. 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS.
- Shaw, M. (2019). Introduction to the Service Science Minitrack. ( pp. 1885). PROCEEDINGS OF THE 52ND ANNUAL HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES.
- Cho, W., Fan, M., Shaw, M., Yoo, B., & Zhang, H. (2018). Digital Transformation: Challenges and Opportunities. ( vol. 328, pp. 1-131). 16th Workshop on e-Busines, Dordrecht: Springer.
- Shaw, M. (2018). Introduction to the Service Science Minitrack. ( pp. 1590). PROCEEDINGS OF THE 51ST ANNUAL HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS.
- Ghoshal, A., Larson, E., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2015). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Huang, Y., Shaw, M., Larson, E., & Subramanyam, R. (2015). How Do We Construct Information Technology (IT) Portfolios? – Attributes, Measurements, and Different Types of IT Portfolios. JAIS Theory Development Workshop held in conjunction with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS.
- Huang, Y., Shaw, M., Subramanyam, R., & Tu, Y. (2015). How Can a Firm Select the Most Qualified IT Portfolio Choice under Various Risk Tolerance Levels? Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Ghoshal, A., Larson, E., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2014). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption. International Conference on Information Systems.
- Huang, Y., Larson, E., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2013). How do you invest in IT to create Business Value? Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
- Huang, Y., Larson, E., & Shaw, M. (2013). Using a Mark-to-Market Valuation Technique to Objectively Measure IT Portfolio Value Creation. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Tu, Y., Shaw, M., Subramanyam, R., & Larson, E. (2013). An Examination of IT Initiative Portfolio Characteristics and Investment Allocation: A Computational Modeling and Simulation Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Lin, F., Maglio, P., & Shaw, M. (2011). Service Science for Management and Engineering. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Burke, J., & Shaw, M. (2010). Managing an IT Project Portfolio using Real Option Techniques. Workshop on e-Business.
- Burke, J., & Shaw, M. (2009). Asymmetric Correlation in IT Project Portfolio Management. American Conference on Information Systems.
- Cho, W., & Shaw, M. (2009). Does IT Synergy Matter in IT Portfolio Selection? International Conference on Information Systems.
- Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2009). Evolution of Decision Rules Used for IT Portfolio Management: An Inductive Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, New York.
- Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2009). Patterns in Strategic IS Planning Decisions: An Inductive Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, New York.
- Shaw, M., & Burke, J. (2008). Analysis In IT Portfolio Management: A Case Study. Workshop on e-Business.
- Cho, W., & Shaw, M. (2007). IT Portfolio Optimization. Workshop on e-Business.
- Cho, W., & Shaw, M. (2007). Optimizing IT Investment Decisions through an IT Portfolio Selection Model. INFORMS Conference.
- Zhao, K., Xia, M., & Shaw, M. (2007). Contribution of Vendors and Users in Consortium-Based E-business Standardization: An Empirical Investigation. Workshop on e-Business.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Gribbins, M. (2004). Usage and Impact of Mobile Business Applications-An Assessment Based on the Concept of Task/Technology Fit. Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Lenz, M. (2004). A Multi-Perspective Case Study of Information-Technology Innovation Adoption. Third Workshop on e-Business.
- Shaw, M., & Shen, S. (2004). Managing Coordination in EmergencyResponse Systems with Information Technologies. American Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M., Gribbons, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2004). The Impact of Process and Technology Factors on Users' Assessment of the E-Procurement with Procurement Process. Proceedings of the Workship one-Business.
- Gribbins, M., Shaw, M., & Gebauer, J. (2003). An Investigation into Employees' Acceptance of Integrating Mobile Commerce Into Organizational Processes. Ninth Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M., & Nelson, M. (2003). The Adoption and Diffusion of Inter-Organizational System Standrds and Process Innovations. MIS Quarterly Special Issue Workship on Standards Making.
- Shaw, M., Xia, M., & Zhao, K. (2003). Open e-Business Standard Development and Adoption: An Integrated Perspective. MIS Quarterly Special Issue Workship on Standards Making.
- Gebauer, J., & Shaw, M. (2002). A Theory of Task/Technology Fit for Mobile Applications to Support Organizational Processes. First Workshop on e-Business.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Zhao, K. (2002). A Different View of IT Evaluation-The Case of Emerging Technologies. Ninth European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Zhao, K. (2002). Assessing the Value of Emerging Technologies-The Case of Mobile Technologies to Enhance Business-to-Business Applications. Fifteenth Bled Electronic Commerce Conference.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Zhao, K. (2002). The Efficacy of Mobile e-Procurement: A Pilot Study. Thirty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Shaw, M., & Chang, H. (2002). Evaluating the Impact of Supplier Participation on Investment Strategies of Buyer-based B2B E-Commerce Systems Using Game-Based Option Valuation Analysis. American Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M., Xia, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2002). Business-to-Business Collaborations and Evolution of Enterprise. Workshop on Information Systems and Economics.
- Shaw, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2001). Exploring the Role of Process and Organizational Factors in B2B E-Commerce Impact: An Economic Perspective of Buyer-side B2B System. Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
- Shaw, M., Chang, H., & Easley, R. (2001). Market-Model Based Channel Selection in B2B E-Commerce: Deciding Between a Private or an Independent E-Marketplace. Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
- Shaw, M., Li, J., & Tan, W. (2000). Information Sharing in Supply-Chain Management. European Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M., & Tan, G. (1999). E-Swarm: A Complex Adaptive System for Enterprise Modeling. ( pp. 364-366). International Decision Science Institute Conference.
- Shaw, M., Subramaniam, C., Gardner, D., & Wilke, M. (1999). Applications of Data Mining to Marketing Knowledge Management. International Society of DSS Conference.
- Shaw, M., Subramaniam, C., Gardner, D., & Wilke, M. (1999). Applications of Data Mining to Marketing Knowledge Management. International Society of DSS Conference.
- Shaw, M., & Tan, G. (1998). Managing Supply-chain Network in a Component Environment. International Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M., & Schlueter, C. (1998). An Organizational Ecosystems Simulator Applied to Electronic Commerce. INFORMS Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
- Shaw, M., Lin, F., & Tan, G. (1998). Modeling Supply-Chain Networks by a Multi-Agent System. ( vol. 5, pp. 105-114). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., Kim, J., & Piramuthu, S. (1997). A Comparative Study on Rule Refinement in Expert Systems. International Society of DSS Conference.
- Shaw, M., & Lin, F. (1996). Multi-Agent Information Systems for Reengineering the Order Fulfillment Process in Supply-Chain Networks. Workshop on Groupware for Office Automation.
- Shaw, M. (1994). Information Technology for Enterprise Integration. International Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M., & Jhee, W. (1994). Time Series Prediction Using Minimally Structured Neural Networks: An Empirical Test. ( pp. 266-271). World Congress on Neural Networks.
- Shaw, M., & Piramuthu, S. (1994). On Using Decision Tree as Feature Selector for Feed-forward Neural Networks. ( pp. 67-74). International Symposium on Integrating Knowledge and Neural Heuristics.
- Shaw, M., & Sikora, R. (1994). Manufacturing Information Coordination and System Integration by a Multi-Agent Framework. ( pp. 335-362). International Distributed Artificial Intelligence Workshop.
- Shaw, M., Lee, I., & Sikora, R. (1993). Joint Lot Sizing and Sequencing for Scheduling with Genetic Algorithms: Evolving the Chromosome Structure. ( pp. 383-391). International Conference on Genetic Algorithms.
- Shaw, M. (1993). Machine Learning Methods for Intelligent, Dynamic Scheduling. ( pp. 166-180). NSF Intelligent, Dynamic Scheduling for Manufacturing Workshop.
- Shaw, M., Ragavan, H., Rendell, L., & Tessmer, A. (1993). Complex Concept Acquisition through Directed Search & Feature Caching, and Practical Results in a Financial Domain. ( pp. 946-951). International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Los Altos, CA: Morgan Kaufmann.
- Shaw, M. (1992). A Framework for Distributed Knowledge-Based Systems. ( pp. 176-190). Workshop on Information Technology and Systems: MIT Press.
- Shaw, M., Herman, S., & Harrow, B. (1991). Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Multi-Agent Problem Solving and Group Learning. ( pp. 13-26). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Shaw, M. (1990). Mechanisms for Cooperative Problem Solving and Multi-Agent Learning in Distributed Artificial Intelligence Systems. ( pp. 1-23). AAAI International Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
- Shaw, M. (1990). Multi-Agent Learning and Problem-Solving Methods for Group Decision Support: A Distributed Problem Solving Framework. ( pp. 69-96). International Society of DSS Conference.
- Shaw, M. (1990). NEST: A Networked Expert Systems Test-bed for Cooperative Problem Solving. ( pp. 11-17). Working Conference on Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems.
- Shaw, M., Park, S., & Raman, N. (1989). Heuristic Learning for Pattern-Directed Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. ( pp. 369-376). ORSA/TIMS Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Shaw, M. (1986). A Pattern-Directed Approach to FMS Planning and Scheduling. ( pp. 545-554). ORSA/TIMS Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
- Shaw, M. (1986). A Two-Level Planning and Scheduling Approach to Computer Integrated Manufacturing. ( pp. 185-196). National Bureau of Standards Conference on Real-Time Optimization in Automated Manufacturing Systems.
- Shaw, M., & Whinston, A. (1985). Automatic Planning and Flexible Scheduling: A Knowledge-Based Approach. ( pp. 890-894). IEEE International Conference on Automation and Robotics.
- Shaw, M., & Whinston, A. (1985). Distributed Planning and Flexible Automation. ( pp. 184-189). IEEE International Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Instructional Material
- Shaw, M., Blanning, R., Strader, T., & Whinston, A. (1999). Handbook on Electronic Commerce. Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Shaw, M. (2016). Using the Internet of Things for Digital Service Innovation (Keynote). Forum on Service Research.
- Ghoshal, A., Larson, E., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2014). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption. International Conference on Information Systems.
- Ghoshal, A., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2014). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption International Conference on Information Systems.
- Shaw, M. (2013). Value Creation for Big Data. Big Data and Smart Living.
- Shaw, M. (2012). Business Analytics for Enterprise Applications. Conference on Big Data.
- Shaw, M. (2011). Cloud Computing and Mobile Services. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
- Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2010). Evolution of Routines: Evidence from Information Technology Portfolio Management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2010). Patterns in Information Technology Portfolio Decision Making: An Inductive Approach. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Burke, J., & Shaw, M. (2009). The Effect of Positive Quadrant Dependence Between Projects on Portfolio Value. Workshop on e-Business.
- Shaw, M. (2009). Managing IT Portfolio with Options, Synergies, and Balances: An Integrated Approach. Workshop on e-Business.
- Zhao, K., Xia, M., & Shaw, M. (2007). Contribution of Vendors and Users in Consortium-Based E-business Standardization: An Empirical Investigation. Workshop on e-Business.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Lenz, M. (2004). A Multi-Perspective Case Study of Information-Technology Innovation Adoption. Third Workshop on e-Business.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Gribbins, M. (2004). Usage and Impact of Mobile Business Applications-An Assessment Based on the Concept of Task/Technology Fit. Tenth Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Gebauer, J., & Shaw, M. (2003). A Theory of Task/Technology Fit for Mobile Applications to Support Organizational Processes. First Workshop on e-Business.
- Xia, M., Zhao, K., Shaw, M., & Subramaniam, C. (2002). Business-to-business collaborations and evolution of enterprise. Workshop on Information Systems and Economics.
- Xia, M., Yang, R., & Shaw, M. (2002). Outside option, bargaining power, and e-marketplaces. INFORMS National Meetings.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Zhao, K. (2002). A Different View of IT Evaluation-The Case of Emerging Technologies. Ninth European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Zhao, K. (2002). Assessing the Value of Emerging Technologies-The Case of Mobile Technologies to Enhance Business-to-Business Applications. Fifteenth Bled Electronic Commerce Conference.
- Gebauer, J., Shaw, M., & Zhao, K. (2002). The Efficacy of Mobile e-Procurement: A Pilot Study. Thirty-Sixth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Working Papers
- Lin, Y., Yang, S., Garimella, A., & Shaw, M. Past, Present, And Future Focus in Entrepreneurial Narratives: Does Language Temporal Structure Influence Fundraising Performance.
Honors and Awards
- Excellence-in-Teaching Awards, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2021
- Editor-in-Chief, Information Systems and e-Business Management, 2003 to present
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses in IT governance, managing information technology, IT strategy, and research in information systems.
Research Interests
Research focuses on IT governance, IT portfolio management, cloud computing, decision support systems, and business intelligence. Conducts research projects with State Farm, Motorola, John Deere, IBM, Ford, and Caterpillar.
385 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820