%0 Journal Article %@ 2291-9279 %I JMIR Publications %V 12 %N %P e58452 %T Game-Based Promotion of Assertiveness to Mitigate the Effects of Bullying in High School Students: Development and Evaluation Study %A Lepe-Salazar,Francisco %A Mejía-Romero,Fernando %A Benicio-Rodríguez,Dámaso %A Hernández-Reyes,Aylin %A Nakajima,Tatsuo %A Salgado-Torres,Sarita %+ Ludolab, Nigromante 89, Centro, Colima, 28030, Mexico, 52 3121100163, flepe@ludolab.org %K serious games %K bullying %K assertiveness %K multiple composite scenarios %K scenario %K cognitive behavioral therapy %K gaming %K design %K development %K bully %K assertive %K feasibility %D 2024 %7 24.12.2024 %9 Original Paper %J JMIR Serious Games %G English %X Background: For years, Mexico has reported the highest global incidence of school bullying, with approximately 19% of students going through some form of hostile peer interactions. Despite numerous interventions, these harmful conducts remain deeply entrenched in educational environments. Objective: To address this issue, we developed Bernstein, a serious game that promotes assertiveness—an essential protective factor that reduces the negative effects of bullying. Methods: Bernstein was designed using multiple composite scenarios, a methodology grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy. To evaluate the game’s effectiveness, we conducted an exploratory trial using the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule to assess assertiveness levels before and after the intervention. Participants were high school students who met the inclusion criteria of being open to playing a serious game (with no prior gaming experience required) and having access to a computer with internet connectivity for remote participation. A total of 100 students (65 boys and 35 girls) enrolled in the intervention; however, only 46 participants in the treatment group and 46 in the control group completed the study, resulting in a dropout rate of 8% (8/100). A paired 1-tailed t test was used to compare pre- and postintervention scores within each group, and a one-way ANOVA was conducted to compare the average score improvements between the 2 groups. Results: The treatment group showed a pretest mean Rathus Assertiveness Schedule score of –2.78 (SD 25.93) and a posttest mean of 1.69 (SD 29.48), with a paired 1-tailed t test yielding a P value of .01. The control group had a pretest mean of 2.07 (SD 25.69) and a posttest mean of –2.39 (SD 32.98), with a paired 1-tailed t test yielding a P value of .04. The one-way ANOVA (between groups) yielded a P value of .006, indicating a statistically significant difference, favoring Bernstein over the alternative protocol. Participant feedback highlighted the game’s engaging narrative and character design, although usability issues, such as navigation challenges, were noted as areas for improvement. Conclusions: The results suggest that Bernstein is a promising tool for promoting assertiveness in high school students, providing a potential strategy for addressing bullying-related issues. The study underscores the value of integrating Bernstein into educational programs, offering students a safe and interactive environment to develop resilience. As an exploratory trial, this study faced limitations affecting the generalizability of findings, including the remote format’s impact on facilitator guidance and a relatively small sample size. Further trials with larger, more diverse groups are recommended to validate these early results and enhance Bernstein’s scalability as part of a comprehensive antibullying strategy. %M 39718822 %R 10.2196/58452 %U https://games.jmir.org/2024/1/e58452 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/58452 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/39718822