Rust – How to Use MLRS (Multiple Launch Rocket System)

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Do you hate having to go to your enemies’ bases to destroy them each time they annoy you? Are Rockets and C4s too expensive for you? Well, there is a machine in the world of Rust that will allow you to bully other players without having to be anywhere near them.

The MLRS is a rocket-firing machine that will allow you to shoot Rockets at incredible distances and instantly destroy someone’s base in a matter of seconds.

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The only problem is that you need to spend a lot of time preparing to use the MLRS, as you will need special Rockets for it and a special Aiming Module that you can only get from the highest-level crates.

In this guide, we will show you exactly how to use the MLRS in Rust, explain exactly how it works, and teach you how to destroy anyone’s base in seconds.

Table of Contents

What is the MLRS?

MLRS stands for Multiple Launch Rocket System, and it is a special machine that can only be found in Rust inside the Abandoned Military Base in the Desert biome.

The MLRS can be used by any player to send Rockets anywhere on the map (excluding safe zones and monuments) to destroy your enemies.

How to Use the MLRS in Rust

To use the MLRS in Rust, you will need one MLRS Aiming Module and 1 to 12 MLRS Rockets.

You will have to get inside the Abandoned Military Base, get through the scientists there (around 6 Patrol Scientists), and find the MLRS. You can see exactly how it looks in the image at the top of the guide.

First, you will have to place the MLRS Rockets at the back of the machine. Just press to open and insert the Rockets. You can only place 12 of them inside.

Then, go to the front of the vehicle and enter it. Look to the right inside the machine and open it to insert the MLRS Aiming Module. The screen will turn on, and you can finally choose where you want to shoot the Rockets.

Players will see a map with a red target and a white circle following it around.

When you press on the screen to choose where you want to shoot the Rockets, the red target will move where you clicked, and the white circle will follow.

The actual area where the MLRS Rockets will fall is the one shown by the white circle. You will have to use the red target to move the position of the white circle to make sure you actually hit your target.

Leave the interface and then look to the left to press the Fire Rockets button. Once you press it, the Rockets will immediately launch. The MLRS Aiming Module will disappear, and the MLRS will be disabled for around 10 minutes after this.

The MLRS will look like it is on fire. You can tell the MLRS is ready to use again when the fire disappears from the front of the machine.

Where to Get MLRS Aiming Module and Rockets in Rust

Both the MLRS Aiming Module and Rockets are extremely rare. You can only get them from some of the highest tier crates in Rust.

You can only get the MLRS Aiming Module from Locked Crates (50% chance). Locked Crates are the best loot crates in Rust, as they only yield tier 3 equipment and items. There are two ways to find Locked Crates in Rust:

  • Board Cargo Ships
  • Keep an eye out for Chinook Helicopter drops

Cargo Ships are usually your best bet, as they spawn often and the Locked Crates in them also respawn while they are circling the island.

The MLRS Rockets aren’t any easier to get, as they only spawn in these crates in Rust:

  • APC Crate – 97% Chance of Getting 1 to 5 MLRS Rockets
  • Elite Tier Crate – 50% Chance of Getting 1 MLRS Rocket
  • Helicopter Crate – 15% Chance of Getting 2 MLRS Rockets

That’s everything you need to know about how to use the MLRS in Rust!

Have any input or suggestions for this guide? Let us know in the comment section below.

Adrian Oprea

Based in London, United Kingdom, Adrian Oprea is a Guides Writer. As a professional single-player RPG player, Adrian has often been stigmatized. He has decided to pour his frustration into writing guides!

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