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Fall is a great time to do a monster craft for kids, but really this project is fun for any time of the year. Challenge your kids to design some silly monsters with crazy faces, spiky hair, tentacles, and more!

These monsters are cute and so much fun to make, and you can use whatever craft supplies you have on hand. We used egg cartons, cardboard rolls, paint, and a few other items. I’ll include a full craft supply list below, but you can truly customize these however you want.

We are so thankful that our new house has a craft closet! Well, technically it’s a linen closet, but who needs linens? Craft supplies are more important around here!

(Actually, we have a huge master closet so the linens fit just fine in there.)

Anyway, having a craft closet has made it easier to store our crafting materials and keep them organized, or at least mostly organized. I tend to hang onto a few egg cartons, cardboard tubes, plastic lids (from water bottles and larger bottles). We keep craft sticks, buttons, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners on hand. Plus lots of odds and ends that are leftover from all the projects we make for this blog!

Supplies Needed:

  • Egg cartons
  • Cardboard rolls
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Googly eyes
  • Pom Pom balls
  • Craft foam
  • Corks
  • Paper cups
  • Scissors
  • Paint (we used acrylic)
  • Hot glue or Tacky Glue
  • Sharpie markers

Other ideas: craft sticks, straws, cereal boxes, buttons… so many possibilities!

We started by cutting an egg carton into sections and painting the sections different colors.

Then we decided that sticking up eyes would look funny! Hot glue an eye to a pipe cleaner segment. Then poke the pipe cleaner through the foam egg carton.

I attached craft foam feet to my monster, while Gresham added a funny mouth to his with a Sharpie.

Another fun way to make a monster is to use a paper cup for the body. We cut about 1.5 inches off the top to make the cup the height we wanted.

Corks make good horns on top of the monster’s head! Paint them a fun color if you want. I glued a large googly eye to a button to make a funny eye for this monster.

We used a nail to poke arm holes in both our paper cup monster and our cardboard roll monsters.

Then once you have a hole, you can easily insert some pipe cleaner arms. Fold the pipe cleaners to give the monster fingers.

So much fun! Pipe cleaners are so versatile. Use them to make tentacles, arms, or spiky hair. It was easy to poke the blue tentacles into the sides of the foam egg carton.

Here’s some more monster inspiration!

And then these two might be my favorite! It’s so hard to choose.

I used paint markers for the eye on the yellow monster. Paint markers (we used Sharpie oil based) are easier to use on a painted surface than regular Sharpies, but they do cost more.

Have fun crafting some monsters! What kind of funny face will you give yours?

Need more monster crafts for kids?

Monster Crafts for Kids Monster Crafts for Kids

Build some LEGO® Monsters – there are instructions in the post.

I love this Monster Blow-Art project from Adventure-in-a-Box.

Or try making some Paper Bag Monsters from I Heart Crafty Things.


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  1. Beverly D Nixon Oct 28, 2019

    Great idea!!

  2. Lyn Oct 25, 2022

    Sarah, Thanks so much for putting out this newsletter with all these wonderful craft ideas. I can't imagine how you have time to do this! I'm now a grandmother with 8 grandchildren and these crafts are just perfect to do with grandchildren. So much of what we need is around the house. We've had many fun hours creating!


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