parade — [ parad ] n. f. • v. 1560; de parer I ♦ (de 1. parer) 1 ♦ Étalage que l on fait d une chose, afin de se faire valoir. ⇒ 2. affectation, exhibition, ostentation; fam. bluff, épate, esbroufe. « le désir de parade qui excite devant les femmes tous… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Parade — Pa*rade , n. [F., fr. Sp. parada a halt or stopping, an assembling for exercise, a place where troops are assembled to exercise, fr. parar to stop, to prepare. See {Pare}, v. t.] 1. The ground where a military display is held, or where troops are … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parade — [pə rād′] n. [Fr < Sp parada, a parade, place for the exercise of troops < parar, to stop (a horse), prepare < L parare,PREPARE] 1. ostentatious or pompous display 2. a) a military display or assembly; esp., a review of marching troops… … English World dictionary
Parade — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Parade puede referirse a: Parade Magazine, una revista Parade, alias de Antonio Galvañ, músico murciano Parade, álbum de Prince Parade, álbum de DJ Tiësto Obtenido de Parade Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español
Parade — Sf std. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. parade, dieses aus span. parada, einer Ableitung von span. parár zieren, schmücken (eigentlich zubereiten ; parat). Paradebett ist so benannt als ursprüngliche Bezeichnung des Bettes, in dem der… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Parade — (von französisch parade aus parer „bereiten“; „abwehren“) bezeichnet: Parade (Album), Album von Prince (1986) Parade (Ballett), Ballett von Erik Satie (1917) Parade (Lübeck), historische Straße in Lübeck einen feierlichen Aufmarsch militärischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
parade — ► NOUN 1) a public procession. 2) a formal march or gathering of troops for inspection or display. 3) a series or succession. 4) a boastful or ostentatious display. 5) Brit. a public square, promenade, or row of shops. ► VERB 1) … English terms dictionary
Parade — Pa*rade , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Paraded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Parading}.] [Cf. F. parader.] 1. To exhibit in a showy or ostentatious manner; to show off. [1913 Webster] Parading all her sensibility. Byron. [1913 Webster] 2. To assemble and form; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parade — Pa*rade , v. i. 1. To make an exhibition or spectacle of one s self, as by walking in a public place. [1913 Webster] 2. To assemble in military order for evolutions and inspection; to form or march, as in review or in a public celebratory… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parade — Surtout porté dans le Périgord et le Limousin, le nom désigne celui qui est originaire d une localité appelée (la) Parade. Sens du toponyme : enceinte fortifiée (latin parata = protégée) … Noms de famille