Are you ready for the holidays and feeding last-minute guests? I’m planning ahead by stocking my freezer with family-friendly foods like lasagna that I can make in a hurry (without a last-minute trip to the grocery store). The key to serving frozen foods is to get creative – and don’t be afraid to name your food presentations something fun! I don’t like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen – it’s more fun to play games with the kids and watch movies together during the holidays. When you have frozen meals in the freezer, you give yourself the flexibility and time to enjoy more family time. Visit Nestle’s to get more ideas on how to fix meals your family will love without working in the kitchen all day.
Have you ever flipped the lasagna over and served it with the cheese side down? I made Stouffer’s Party Size Lasagna with Meat Sauce and cut it into triangles instead of squares. By flipping it over I had a red triangle that I could embellish with cauliflower (heated from frozen) to make a Santa’s Hat. Your kids will love this dish – and you can make it quickly if you’ve got one hour and forty minutes available for baking the lasagna.
Don’t cut that Pepperoni Digiorno Rising Crust Pizza into triangles! Instead start in the middle of the pizza and cut out squares that are just big enough for one slice of pepperoni on top. Stick a toothpick into each square and tell your kids it’s time to eat Rudolph’s Nose (unless that would make them cry of course!).
Keep up with news from @Nestle on Twitter to learn more about the company.
I thought it would be fun to serve Stouffer’s Party Size Macaroni and Cheese in small cups and then decorate the top by using a small star-shaped cookie cutter. I choose to sprinkle paprika on the mac & cheese because of the red color and mild flavor. Use plastic wrap to wrap the outside edges of the cookie cutter and keep the paprika from landing on anything outside of the star. You may want to tell your kids to stir in the paprika before eating so they don’t try to just eat the paprika star.
Are you inspired to try new recipes by seeing photos? Visit Nestle on Facebook because they post lots of recipe photos. If you see a recipe you like – pin the photo so you can find the recipe again. Pinterest can be your virtual cookbook!
End dinner with Dreyer’s Slow Churned Light Ice Cream in the limited edition flavors of Peppermint Wonderland and A Very Merry Eggnog. I combined both flavors into one “snowball” by using a popcorn ball mold lined with plastic wrap. If you don’t have a popcorn ball mold, then you could use two ice cream scoops that you press together to get the ice cream to “stick” where the flavors meet. You still might want to use plastic wrap so you can easily release the ice cream from both scoops. I discovered that ice cream is difficult to work with because it melts so fast! My ice cream “snowball” was huge so I had to share it with my kids. Use cinnamon sticks and a candy cane as garnish.
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originally published on: Nov 21, 2013 @ 14:26
Pick me
Such cute ways to present your food for the holidays! Love it! #client
Thanks so much!
These are all such fun ideas! I can’t believe you made all of this from frozen. I might even be able to get my kids to eat Cauliflower with those Santa hats. Brilliance! #client
All soooo clever! Love your ideas! #client
Thank you Joan – I had so much fun with these frozen foods!