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Archive for July, 2006

You will not find any LemonJellos in Malaysia

As reported by the BBC, Malaysia has banned “unsuitable” first names. An excerpt from the article: Parents will not be able to call their babies after animals, insects, fruit, vegetables or colours. Numbers are also not allowed, so little James Bonds cannot flaunt their 007 status on their ID cards. Other restrictions stop parents giving children royal or honorary titles . . .

Why is it that adults now deliver newspapers?

I personally was far too pampered to deliver newspapers as a kid, but many other people I know (like my wife Jeannette) did deliver newspapers growing up. Anecdotally, at least, newspaper deliverers are now mostly adults with cars, rather than kids on bikes. Does anyone have any theories as to why? I can think of many possible explanations, but none . . .

A Video link to the finals of Rock, Paper, Scissors

If you can’t wait for the polished version on ESPN, here is the rough cut of the final showdown in the World Series of Poker Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament. Thanks to Dean Strachan for filming and posting the video.

How Sexy Is Freakonomics?

The answer is, apparently, not very. Several months ago, Newsweek magazine proclaimed economics the “sexiest trade alive,” arguing that “There’s no doubt that Freakonomics did its part in glamorizing the trade.” But in Turkey, where our book has recently been published, the book alone clearly did not have enough sex appeal. So the publisher had to sex it up with . . .

I Hope Phil Gordon Wins the World Series of Poker

The main event of the World Series of Poker gets underway today at the Rio in Las Vegas. Why do I want Phil Gordon to win? It’s not just because he’s such a nice guy, or because he’s so smart, or because of his philanthropic endeavors, or even because he’s so tall. It has to do with the game of . . .

How is Floyd Landis the Opposite of Bode Miller?

After Bode Miller told 60 Minutes that he often drank the night before ski races, and that he’d even raced while still drunk, he was raked over the coals and forced to grovel and apologize. Now we learn that Tour de France winner Floyd Landis (here’s a recent posting on the subject), who tested high for testosterone after his miraculous . . .

Is Levitt a Celebrity? It Depends on Your Definition

A few months ago, after someone claimed I was a celebrity, I offered to test that hypothesis by giving $100 to anyone who identified me spontaneously over the next 30 days. (In the deal I excluded the U of C campus area, because people know me there just because I am a professor.) It was an easy bet to make, . . .

Why Zidane Head-Butted

This may well be old news to many of you, but it’s the first I’ve seen of a plausible explanation for why Zinedine Zidane head-butted Marco Materazzi. According to this British TV interview (via YouTube) with Alex Hayes of the French newspaper L’Equipe, Materazzi happened to call Zidane’s mother a whore on the very day she’d been taken to the . . .

What’s So Bad About Parking in Front of a Fire Hydrant Anyway?

According to the Associated Press, “a survey of 49 American metropolitan areas found that monthly parking rates in midtown Manhattan were the country’s most expensive, averaging $574.” What’s particularly amazing about that figure is that most people who park in midtown only park during the day near their offices, then drive home at night. I live on the Upper West . . .

How Is a Stray Dog Like a Crack Addict?

As we’ve noted before (here and here, e.g.) some interesting e-mail makes its way to the Freakonomics in-box. The latest was from one Stephanie Downs of MarKomm Consulting, which I thought was worth posting here: I am involved with Spay/Neuter programs with various organizations, she began, and the mentality is to fix the problem and not the symptom. In the . . .

Poker or Bridge?

What group of people do you think is more likely to have heard of Freakonomics, top bridge players or top poker players? Far and away it is bridge players. We ran some experiments at a big bridge tournament last week and used the Freakonomics name to help recruit volunteers. Many of the bridge players had heard of or read the . . .

In At Least One Way We Are Atypical Bloggers

That’s because we just keep on posting. The typical blogger, like most people who go on diets and budgets, quits after a few months, weeks, or in many cases, days. For some reason, we haven’t. In fact, if you look at the “Archives” chart to the right, you’ll see that by the time July is over, we will have blogged . . .

Why Don’t Americans Suck at the Tour de France?

The U.S. national soccer team recently embarassed itself in the World Cup. During the Olympics, U.S. athletes regularly get beat in certain sports that, like soccer, are taken much more seriously in other countries than in ours. So why have Americans done so well in the Tour de France? American cyclists have won 10 of the past 20 TdF’s — . . .

Customer Sabotage

Got this message from someone I know who works at a Barnes & Noble whose location shall remain unnamed: “I’ll be glad when [Ann] Coulter drops off the [best-seller] list, for obvious reasons of taste, but also because customers keep turning her book around or taking it off the shelf and hiding quantities in the back of the store.” This . . .

Dubner vs. Federline

It seems that Stephen Dubner and Kevin Federline (Britney Spears’s husband) find themselves at odds over one of the great crises of the day. Not the Middle East or Social Security, but rather, whether the government should keep making new pennies. Dubner better be careful or Federline’s next rap will be dissin’ him.

One more reason not to do TV interviews

I loathe going on TV for so many different reasons. First, doing a TV interview can take the better part of a day and in the end you are lucky if there is one minute of on-air time. Second, it is a terrible medium for expressing any idea with subtlety and complexity. It is all about sound bytes, whether or . . .

What, Was “Putrid Mountain” Already Taken?

When I saw an ad in today’s Wall Street Journal for a mountain resort in North Carolina, the name of the place struck me as — well, terrible. It’s called Bear Wallow Springs (that part’s okay) at Lake Toxaway. It looks like a perfectly lovely place but … Lake Toxaway? Maybe it’s just me, but the only image conjured by . . .

What’s a wireless internet connection worth in a Hyatt hotel?

The answer, apparently, depends greatly on where you are in the hotel. In the lobby, a one-day pass to use their wireless internet connection costs $10.95. Not cheap, but standard for nice hotels. Down in the main ballroom, however, the story is very different. A one-day pass to the internet there costs $300! Economists have a name for this: price . . .

Press Release of the Day

Last week, Levitt declared his intention to run some experiments with poker players in Las Vegas. Well, there’s one more player he may want to consider: Mikey the Chimp. He’ll be in Vegas since he’s competing in the 2006 World Series of Poker. Mikey’s gambit is a publicity stunt for a poker website, Here’s the press release that tells . . .

Tryin’ to Get the Feeling Again

A few months ago, we posted about an effort in Sydney, Australia to drive late-night hooligans from a public park — by blasting Barry Manilow songs. So far, it seems to be working. But the people who live near the park are being driven crazy by the Manilow music. The hooligans have probably moved off to some nice quiet spot, . . .


CBS has found a new place to advertise its TV shows: the eggs in your refrigerator. I can’t imagine Michael Pollan will have anything good to say about this.

OpEds With Teeth

There are two interesting pieces on the New York Times OpEd page today: one calling for elderly drivers to have to renew their licenses, the other arguing that if your Social Security number is hijacked by an identity thief, the best solution would be to simply get a new SSN — a solution that, as of now, is pretty much . . .

All Roads Really Do Lead to the University of Chicago

To fans and patrons of the University of Chicago, few other American universities have had a greater recent impact on the fields of economics, philosophy, law, and urban sociology (which was essentially invented at the U. of C.). That said, I wasn’t prepared for the squib I read in this morning’s New York Times, from a Q&A column in the . . .

13 Days, 14 Homicides in D.C.

A headline on the DrudgeReport reads “13 Days, 14 Homicides in D.C.” and links to a Washington Post story on the subject. It shows just how far we have come in reducing crime when this sort of crime spree is headline news. Washington, DC averaged well more than one homicide a day in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It . . .

What can astrology tell us about American politics?

I might have thought the answer to that question was “nothing,” but it seems I would have been wrong. Tony Vallencourt has an interesting post on his econball blog. He tallies the astrological sign of members of the U.S. House of Representatives. This exercise is inspired by the work of Anders Ericsson and others; they find that month of birth . . .

Looking for poker players in Vegas for an experiment I’m running

I’m going to have a team of researchers in Las Vegas running some experiments on decision-making by poker players. We are looking for serious poker players who (a) will be in Las Vegas between July 21 and July 27, (b) want to make a little money and get a signed copy of Freakonomics, (c) read about themselves in the sequel . . .

Need a Freakonomics Job?

There’s someone hiring on Craig’s List in Minneapolis: Freakonomics for Baby Names Reply to: Date: 2006-07-11, 9:32PM CDT We are writing a book on baby names and parent occupation. We have some research completed, will need to do more. Will also need someone to help with gathering data for certain harder to reach audiences. Someone witty, who likes to . . .

Newspaper Nitpickery

Today is one of those days when the world seems to be collapsing: Israel, Iraq, India. The newspapers are full of foreboding news. And putting out a really good newspaper every day is an incredibly hard thing to do. Personally, I think the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are both really good newspapers. So, in offering the . . .