Christ follower

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How can we fear the Lord, if we believe ourselves to be much?! How great the wage of following His ways above our own. I’d rather have riches in honour and life, than in the riches of the world. When I humble myself, and recognize that God is greater than ALL things, that there is NOTHING He cannot do, my soul is filled with joy, and I can’t help but dance! #thefearofthelord #humbleyourself #morethangold #lifeeverlasting #happydance #mercymemusic #ivegotthejoy #fearthelord #desiresofyourhea...
“A thousand times in history a baby has become a king, but only once in history did a King become a baby.” From Bethlehem echo the words: “How silently, how silently the wondrous gift is giv’n! So God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heav’n.” With Christmas, may we take the opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the birth of #JesusChrist—God‘s greatest gift to the world. “Let ev’ry heart prepare him room.” Learn more and #ShareTheGift; #LightTheWorld