Sacs et trousses

976 Pins
Anderson Lima on Instagram: "Salva para não perder! Comenta LIVE Compartilha e SALVA esse vídeo pra não perdê-lo. . Máquina reta industrial LM9980D @lanmaxcostura . Os materiais você encontra na @personal_arte Use meu cupom de desconto: andersonlima (Material sintético doll e forro bagun) . 🧵Linha 100% poliamida 60 @cifafioselinhas . Me segue:👇 @costureiroandersonlima @costureiroandersonlima #costurar #costuracreativa #sewing #coser #diycrafts #façavocêmesmo #handmade"
ospring_sewing on Instagram‎: "[DIY] Canvas Totebag 💛 Tutorial is on YouTube ✨️NOW✨️ Please visit my channel 🎥 Thank you so much💝 🧵 Simple and Quick sewing ❤️ Youtube link in BIO @ospring_sewing ✏️ Pattern & Measurements included * #diy #tutorial #tipsandtricks #sewingproject #coser #costura #fabricbag #totebag #canvasbag #ハンドメイド #dikiş #خیاطی #핸드메이드"‎
Knitter's project bag on Instagram: "Knitting needle organizer 🙌 In stock in my store (link in bio) #knitting #knitting_inspiration #knittingneedles #knittingneedlecase #knittingneedlestorage #strikk #stricken #drutyiszydelko #lusisewing #etsyshop #smallbusiness"
ospring_sewing on Instagram‎: "[DIY] Detailed Tutorial is on YouTube✨️ Please visit my YouTube 🎥 Crossbody Bag Sewing tips🎁 Thank you so much💝 🧵 Simple and Quick sewing ❤️ Youtube link in BIO @ospring_sewing ✏️ Pattern & Measurements included * #diy #tutorial #tipsandtricks #sewingproject #coser #costura #fabricbag #crossbodybag #crossbag #ハンドメイド #dikiş #خیاطی #핸드메이드"‎
‎آموزش سرویس آشپزخونه|جامدادی|کوله پشتی|کیف‎ on Instagram‎: "با دو تا مستطیل کیف بدوز👜 چندتا نکته داره که اینجا میگم براتون❤️ ✅من از پارچه کشمیر و پارچه بارونی استفاده کردم، شما از پارچه جین،مخمل کبریتی، کتان، پارچه های مبلی و پرده ای و هرپارچه ای که کش نیاد میتونید استفاده کنید. ✅از لایی نمدی استفاده کنید که قسمت چسبیش حالت دونه برفی باشه وزیر دست حس بشه، لایی که قسمت چسبدارش براق هست کیفیت خوبی نداره ✅ مدبر و حلقه و تنظیم کننده رو میتونید از خرازی ها تهیه کنید ✅ عزیزانی که سایز ۴۸ به بالا دارن طول بند کیف رو ۱۲۰ سانت بگیرید ✅ زیپ متری خرازی ها دارن ✅ آموزش جا زدن سرزیپ توی پیج هست #کیف #کیف_زنانه #کیف_پارچه_ای #کیف_پارچه_ای_دستدوز #آموزش #خیاطی_آسان #آموزش_خانومِ_شین"‎
Moni Malene on Instagram: "Nerea #couture #gabarit #faitmain #diy #passioncouture #sewing #template #handmade #doityourself #coutureaddict #sewingproject #gabaritcouture #artisanat #creatif #sewcialists #sewingpatterns #coudre #sewist #couturefemme #tuto #sewingtips #couturedebutant #makersgonnamake #fashiondesigner #sewinglove #couturesurmesure #couturetuto #sewingcommunity #patroncouture #sewsewsew"
Zakwan Zakwan on Instagram: "Cara sederhana untuk menjahit tote bag! Mudah membuat tas tangan! 👜✂️ #Sewing #Tips #Ide"
DIY Cheng on Instagram: "Diy Totebag Backpack 🎒 Full video on my YouTube channel - DIY Cheng #igreels #handmadecrafts #igdaily #diyprojects #diy #trending #handmade #viral #crafts #diycrafts"
Zakwan Zakwan on Instagram: "tricks and easy ways to make gift bags, you can do it yourself #Tips #Sewing #bags"
Arounna Khounnoraj on Instagram: "I think this is my new favourite bag ! I’m using a tubular purse frame that makes the closure on this bag design so fun. I love how it opens up so big for easy to access your things. It will make a great purse or project bag and I’m definitely making more. I created a longer version on my YouTube channel because it’s hard to show all the steps in 1.5 mins. The frame is available on @emmalinebags website and thank you to Janelle for sending over some to gift to you. I will be gifting the tubular frame plus a couple of the small squeeze frames I used on my small pouches to two people. More details in my pinned comment. I hope you love this as much as I do 🌞🧡"
Stella Hoff - Costura Criativa on Instagram: "Costure uma bolsa sanfonada sem viés e super fácil, já me segue aqui para mais aulas de costura criativa! Usei tecidos @stellahofftecidos Aula completa tá no meu canal, digita lá: Bolsa Sanfonada Stella Hoff que aparece! Eai, gostou? Vai fazer a sua? #costuracriativa #costuracreativa #ilovesewing #sewingproject #auladecostura #costurar"
PasionBordado ♥️ on Instagram: "Muchas veces tenemos en casa elementos para nuestra creatividad, este cartón se convierte en un telar pequeño para hacer este bolso tan colorido😍🧶🪡 hermoso! ♥️🪢🪡 #Repost @bookhou @download.ins --- I wanted to try weaving a small pouch that didn’t require any sewing/assembling afterwards. I like how you can make things using basic materials like cardboard and pins. My only worry was the tension and the pins held the threads in nicely😄👍🏼 let me know if you give this a try💙 Full video on my YouTube channel #weaving #fibreart"