Modular & Dynamic Branding

Generative logos, dynamic brands, fluid and modular visual identities.
45 Pins
KREA Alkotófalu – Creative Village | Brands Alive... - a grouped images picture
KREA Alkotófalu – Creative Village | Brands Alive... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All
ITI - Room for Life - dynamic branding by Haydays | Brands Alive | Brands Alive... - a grouped images picture
ITI - Room for Life - dynamic branding by Haydays | Brands Alive | Brands Alive... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All
Ideas that inspire BENBEN
Ideas that inspire BENBEN | This site is the bee's knees
BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Brands Alive... - a grouped images picture
BME - Budapest University of Technology and Economics | Brands Alive #dynamic #branding
... - a grouped images picture
love everything. I want a simple shape like this that can be translated into other promo materials for the future.
‎Connecting to Apple Podcasts
one thing from lots of angles, how it works in different ways, incorporating different elements (photos, solids). If you're a user experience professional, listen to The UX Blog Podcast on iTunes.
BEM by Yandex
BEM identity variables by Flëve Design Consultancy. BEM, stands for “Block”, “Element”, “Modifier”. BEM is a front-end methodology: a new way of thinking for web interface development. The solution for BEM's identity was to take the 'b_' from the code, namely b_ _e_m and make it the main style-forming element.
Birchbox March 2015 Subscription Box
#Birchbox Such a fun program to be a part of.
Creating a Dynamic Identity for Startup Incubator - Superdot Studio
Dynamic Identity for Startup Academy on Behance
Matt Luckhurst: Advertising Women of New York Identity
Dynamic iden­tity that Matt Luckhurst cre­ated for the Advertising Women of New York organization.