Dress Like a Pilgrim

Pilgrims all wore all-black, all the time... wrong! We are here to dispel that myth! So what did the Pilgrims really wear?
12 Pins
17th Century Waistcoat
17th century waistcoat from the Tudor Tailor.
One Small Candle on X
Pilgrim Family at Sutton Harbour @ExperienceSH #Plymouth @mmpecoraro
Plimoth Plantation_29
Plimoth Plantation
Dress Like A Pilgrim - General Society of Mayflower Descendants
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Dress Like A Pilgrim - General Society of Mayflower Descendants
Women's Apparel
Dress Like A Pilgrim - General Society of Mayflower Descendants
Men's Apparel
How-To: Sew Children’s Pilgrim Costumes for less than $5
How-To: Sew Children’s Pilgrim Costumes for less than $5 | Little Sinners