
998 Pins
PROPOJENÍ S ARCHANDĚLEM GABRIELEM | J. Saharin Vondra | Tipy pro osobní rozvoj
PROPOJENÍ S ARCHANDĚLEM GABRIELEM | J. Saharin Vondra | Tipy pro osobní rozvoj
ARCHANDĚLÉ a propojení | Saharin Vondra + meditace | Příznaky transformace tipy pro osobní rozvoj
ARCHANDĚLÉ a propojení | Saharin Vondra + meditace | Příznaky transformace tipy pro osobní rozvoj
Archangel Sabriel, the Mighty Angel of Miracles - Inspiration Divination
Archangel Sabriel, the Mighty Angel of Miracles - Inspiration Divination
Dr Joe Dispenza Advanced Retreat Bonn BOX MEDITATION ^rare^ (inner mission teachings) #meditation
Archangel Jeremiel: Angel of Mercy & Spiritual Transformation
Archangel Jeremiel isn’t just another celestial figure; he’s a transformative guide for souls on a quest for deeper understanding and enlightenment. But what truly sets him apart? Jeremiel specializes in helping us take a soulful inventory—conducting what’s known as “life reviews.” #angelology #archangel #archangels #angelic
Enochian Magic: Uncover the Secrets of Angelic Communication
At its core, Enochian Magic is centred around the communication with angelic realms, seeking to explore and understand the divine architecture of the universe. The Enochian system is distinguished by its elaborate structure and the use of a unique angelic language. At the heart of Enochian Magic is the act of opening the gates to celestial dominions—the Watchtowers, positioned at the world’s four corners. #enochianmagic #enochianalphabet #angelology #angelic #angeliccommunication
Archangel Raguel: Angel of Justice and “Friend of God”
Archangel Raguel is often referred to as the “Angel of Justice.” The name “Raguel” itself translates to “Friend of God,” signifying his close relationship with the divine and his role as a mediator in both heavenly and earthly affairs. He is primarily associated with maintaining divine order, ensuring justice among angels and humans, and resolving conflicts. #archangels #angelichierarchy #angelology #raguel #angel
Archangel Aurora, the Angel of New Beginnings
Ask Archangel Aurora for help when your life turns stale and your Soul longs for a positive change, a breath of fresh air.