face repaint

118 Pins
Meet the Woman Giving 'Hypersexualized' Dolls Real-Life Makeunders
Yes, these are the same dolls. Meet the women giving hypersexualized dolls a serious makeunder (and find out just why she is!)
Tree Change Dolls
This little dolly was in terrible condition when I found her stay local op shop. Her face is stained with bright pink pen marks which I have made part of her skin tone, her hair was in bad shape, her neck was damaged and she smelt of stale cigarette...
Artist Turns Dolls Into Feminist Role Models By Removing Their Make Up And Adding Her Own — PHOTOS
Artista remove maquiagens de bonecas para deixá-las parecidas com crianças reais. Conheça Tree Change Dolls! - FTCMag
Bonecas repintadas para maior identificação das crianças - Tree Change Dolls;
Une maman a décidé de libérer les poupées de l'hypersexualisation auxquelles elles sont soumises ! Découvrez comment elle s'y prend…
Une maman a décidé de libérer les poupées de l'hypersexualisation auxquelles elles sont soumises ! Découvrez comment elle s'y prend…
Tree Change Dolls® Sonia Singh's Guide to Re-styling Dolls by Sonia Singh - Etsy
Tree Change Dolls® Sonia Singh's Guide to Re-styling Dolls | Etsy