Cut expenses

13 Pins
Frugal Entertainment Tips for Families - I Don't Have Time For That!
When you’re single, knowing how much money you’ve got coming in and adjusting your spending accordingly will keep your finances in order. But when you’ve got a family to take care of, budgeting takes on a new level of importance.
50 Ideas To Help You Get Out Of Debt! - Penny Pinchin' Mom
Wondering how to get out of debt? Check out these 50 ideas to help you actually pay it off!!
Top 25 Frugal Living Pinners on Pinterest
How to use pinterest to save a ton of money. If you use it right, Pinterest is HUGE for saving money! **This is so smart! Why didn't I think of that! They have the top 25 frugal living or money saving pinners listed here to follow. My feed has a ton of really smart money saving tips in it now.
The Best Financial Advice I Ever Got
Sometimes you feel like money is so complicated, and people know some secret you don't. It's not true, money really boils down to one rule. #pullingcurls
7 Tips For Living On One Income
Can a family survive on one income? Yes! Although we had little time to plan for it, we were able to make it on one income for several years. Here I share 7 things our family did that enabled us to live on one income.
Sarah Titus
They say it's hard for a family to live on one income. They're wrong! Come along with me as I show you how I, a single SAHM, live pretty DARN good!
Is this Extreme Frugal Living? - Six Figures Under
We don't live out of a van. We don't (usually) dumpster dive. We (very) occasionally pay full price for things. We buy disposable toilet paper. Still some of the frugal things we do may be considered too extreme for some people. What do you think?
8 Old Fashioned Money Saving Tips That Still Work
Many of the strategies that our grandparents used still work today. Check out these 8 old fashioned money saving tips that still work today!
Early Bird Mom - Helping you declutter your home and live with less stress and more freedom
While it may look like everyone around you is living the good life and enjoying lots of money, this may not actually be true. Here are 8 important reasons to live beneath your means. Get these tips and motivation to pursue a simpler, more frugal lifestyle.
How to Save Electricity by Doing Nothing
An easy way to save money One of my favorite budget tips - we saved 26% on electricy with this one trick! Tried and true money saving idea that's kept our utility bill low even years later! ::