Witchy Woo Woo

384 Pins
February Witchcraft: 20 Magickal Tasks, Tips, Crafts & Spells (beyond Imbolc!) | The Moon School
February Witchcraft: 20 Magickal Tasks, Tips, Crafts & Spells (beyond Imbolc!)
Wheel of the Year Meaning & Celebrations | Festival Meanings
Discover the meanings of each festival of the wheel of the year (Beltane, Ostara, Litha & Samhain) and what each one represents and how you can celebrate these festivals in your own personal way. Learn how you can become more in tune with nature and the cycles of nature. Click to learn more! #beltane #ostara #springequinox #summersolstice
Simmer Pots for Zodiac Seasons
Pisces Simmer Pot Shown: jasmine, rose, lavender Use: increase spirituality, intuition, and dreamwork Check the blog for all simmer pots for each zodiac season