
46 Pins
This may contain: a chocolate cake sitting on top of a white plate
Delicioso bolo zero açúcar
40min · 1 serving Ingredientes: • 3 bananas maduras • 3 ovos • Casca de 1 maça • 1 leite de coco • 1 xícara de chá de uvas passas • 2 xícaras de aveia em flocos • 1 colher de sopa de fermento em pó • 1 maça picada • 1/2 xícara de chá de uvas passas OBS: Pode acrescentar se quiser canela em pó, cacau ou coco seco Modo de Preparo: • Bater no liquidificador todos ingredientes líquidos e depois misturar com os secos. Assar em forno pré aquecido 180° por mais ou menos 40 minutos Espero que gostem e nos conte sua experiência
This may contain: a woman with her back to the camera, showing how she's doing exercises
Best Exercise For Cervical Pain In Neck And Shoulder 🔥Upper Back Pain Relief Exercises🚨
💚💚BACK /neck 🔥🚨Those with back and neck pain👌 how to release tight neck muscles? Kırkent study for those experiencing eclipses, best exercise for neck and shoulder pain. You can use weights instead of pillows. Legs hip-width apart, gaze opposite, tummy tight Number of exercise repetitions 4x10 Neck and shoulder pain exercises and stretches, Let the upper body burn ❤️‍🔥 🚨Weight lose tips for teen lose 25 pounds in 4 weeks 👉 Check Bio #shoulderpain #neckpainrelief #backpainrelief
This may contain: the back of a woman's body with two circles around her
Repel waist meat! 🔥
The best slim arms workout includes easy and effective exercises like tricep dips, bicep curls, and push-ups. These exercises target and tone arm muscles, reducing fat and building strength. Incorporate light weights or resistance bands for added intensity. Consistency and proper form are key. Many find these workouts effective in achieving lean, defined arms without bulky muscles. #weightloss #fitness #losebellyfat #fatburn #loseweight #workout #homeworkout #health  #healthy #diet #burnbellyfat #weightlosstips #healthylifestyle#creatingforindia#weightloss#fitness#fitfam
Best Slim Arms Workout, Easy and Effective!
The best slim arms workout includes easy and effective exercises like tricep dips, bicep curls, and push-ups. These exercises target and tone arm muscles, reducing fat and building strength. Incorporate light weights or resistance bands for added intensity. Consistency and proper form are key. Many find these workouts effective in achieving lean, defined arms without bulky muscles. #weightloss #fitness #losebellyfat #fatburn #loseweight #workout #homeworkout #health #healthy #diet #burnbellyfat #weightlosstips #healthylifestyle#creatingforindia#weightloss#fitness#fitfam