Olivia Bossert Education

Olivia Bossert Education: Helping you to build a creative and profitable fashion photography business
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Fashion Photography Education with Olivia Bossert
Olivia Bossert Education: Helping you to build a creative and profitable fashion photography business
32 Reasons Why I Love Being A Fashion Photographer | Olivia Bossert Education
I'm going to write a list of all the reasons that I LOVE being a fashion photographer, and I hope it can bring a bit of joy into your day, and make you feel excited and grateful to be on this journey, and have this amazing career.
9 Activities That You Should Be Doing Every Day as a Fashion Photographer | Olivia Bossert Education
I remember when I was first starting out as a full time fashion photographer, I would get to my desk every morning and feel a bit sense of overwhelm: “What should I actually be doing with my time every day?!” It was like there was almost so much that I could or should be doing with my time every day, that I just didn’t know what to prioritise or start with. However, over time I’ve figured out what’s important, and now I’ve got a set of activities that I do pretty every day.
Step by step guide to booking clients | Olivia Bossert Fashion Photography Education
Learn more about my step by step guide to booking clients as a fashion photographer in my latest blog post
Editorial vs Commercial Photography | Fashion Photography Resources, Blog and Education
This week, I wanted to cover something quick, but equally something that I get asked very frequently: “What is the difference between editorial work, and commercial work? Read the full blog post on the website.
3 steps to getting hired as a fashion photographer | Olivia Bossert Education
Today I wanted to break down 3 stages that will lead to you getting hired by brands/magazines as a fashion photographer. Shall we just dive right in? Full blog post available on the website!
Online Courses and Masterclasses about Fashion Photography | Olivia Bossert Education
Take one of my online courses or masterclasses, and learn the ins and outs of the business of fashion photography.
Online Courses and Masterclasses about Fashion Photography | Olivia Bossert Education
Take one of my online courses or masterclasses, and learn the ins and outs of the business of fashion photography.
How To Find Fashion Magazines to Submit To | Olivia Bossert Fashion Photography Education
Finding magazines to submit your work to can seem like an impossible task when you first get started. This world of fashion is vast, and if you're new to the industry, there's a lot to learn, and learning curve is steep. This industry is sooooo different from the wedding world, or the portrait world. So hopefully this little letter will give you an idea of where to go!
The Most Underused FREE Marketing Tool For Photographers | Olivia Bossert Photography Education
Did you know that the main way that I find my contact information for brand pitches is all done via a free tool? I know!
How To Set Up A Home Studio | Fashion Photography Blog, Education and Resources
Studio photography doesn't need to feel like this scary, inaccessible medium. In fact, a studio can be really quick and easy to set up! You don't need to have masses of expensive kit, or even that much space. I wish I'd known this sooner, because for a long time, I stayed away from studio imagery. I thought I would never be able to produce anything of quality because I didn't know how to use lights, or have any fancy kit.
How To Plan A Brand Photoshoot | Olivia Bossert Fashion Photography Blog and Resources
Whenever most businesses launch, they will at some point, inevitably, want to produce a photoshoot to showcase their product or service. I know how much of a daunting task that can be! But let me tell you, it really doesn't need to be that complicated at all.
What is a moodboard? | Olivia Bossert Fashion Photography Education
If you don't know what a moodboard is, they're essentially a collection of images that are used as references before, or during a photoshoot. Whenever I plan a shoot, I put together a detailed document showcasing my idea. They're quite literally PDFs the run through my idea from start to finish.
Your Pricing Questions Answered | Olivia Bossert Fashion Photography Education
Let's chat pricing. This is one of the biggest struggles that SO many of you have. Read my blog post in full on the website. This is a long one, so get comfy!!
Step by step guide to booking clients | Olivia Bossert Fashion Photography Education
Learn more about my step by step guide to booking clients as a fashion photographer in my latest blog post