dudleya brittonii (by flora-file)
dudleya brittonii (by flora-file)
salvia sea (by flora-file)
Dudleya flames (by flora-file)
Ephedra californica (by flora-file)
penstemon heterophyllus (by flora-file)
California Poppies and friends (by flora-file)
sword fern (by flora-file)
Vitis californica “Roger’s Red' (by flora-file)
Clarkia rubicunda ‘Shamini’ (by flora-file)
redwood sorrel - Oxalis oregano (by flora-file)
meet the natives (by flora-file)
California natives flowering in my garden, May 5, 2014
the other California Poppy
Romneya coulteri (by flora-file)
Another one of my favorite native California flowers, the Matilija Poppy. It is a poppy on steroids, and was actually one of the original candidates for our state flower until its little orange petaled cousin won that honor. They are herbaceous perennials, and are very fickle and need extremely well drained soil. Some of the most spectacular ones I’ve seen are enormous shrubs over 8 feet tall and covered in these 8-10 inch flowers, growing in pretty much pure sand along the coast in southern Santa Cruz County. I’ve been unsuccessful growing it in my garden for a myriad of reasons, but have a feeling I will end up trying again, despite my past lack of success. Until then I’ll just have to enjoy the ones growing at the Bancroft Garden, like this one.
Ceanothus ‘Dark Star’ (by flora-file)
Dudleya brittonii (by flora-file)
Giant Chalk Dudleya
california fuschia (by flora-file)