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Year Modifications
Please vote for which year modifications you would like in the sortitoutsi data update
* Indicates required question
What is your username
Your answer
What countries do you usually play in?
Your answer
What dates should be modified
Ages / Date of Birth
Contract Expiry
Date Joined
Date Contract Last Signed
How many different variations should we have? Pick any
Europe File: All dates changed every June
South America File: All dates changed every December
Europe File: All contract dates changed but not ages
Europe File: All ages changed but not contracts
South America File: All contract dates changed but not ages
South America File: All ages changed but not contracts
No dates changed File
Which sentence is most true for you?
The FM24 Data Update only needs to work until FM25 is released in March then stopped
The FM24 Data Update should be kept alive after FM25 switches to the new engine
If you voted for a file without years modified. Why?
Because the game is unplayable (bugged/broken) with the year modifications
I just like seeing the correct dates even if the years remaining is wrong
I think it's the most realistic even though the years remaining on a contract are wrong
We don't need an extra file WITHOUT year modifications it's perfect as it is
I don't understand this question
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